And I didn’t expect him to.
I didn’t know much about wolves, but even I could see that something was happening here. The way Mutt was watching me made me feel like a juicy steak. Wonderous and tasty, a morsel for him to devour. The hungry way his eyes dragged over my body made my cock twitch and my nipples stiffen up, tingling and almost painful as they pushed against the fabric of my now sweaty shirt.
I’d never seen Mutt more wild than he was then.
A beast in search of prey.
A hunter.
Just like Theo had warned me he was.
I hadn’t realized till that moment what being a hunter might mean for a wolf like Mutt. And now that I knew, I didn’t think I’d ever be able to get it out of my head. The way his pecs flexed and bounced. The shape of his cock, hard and trapped against his leg, the shape of it obvious even in the dark.
So I picked up the pace, and decided to give him something more fun to catch.
I ducked around a tree trunk, grinning as I felt the air rustle as he whooshed by, before I swiveled and headed back the way I’d come.
Leaping, ducking, running.
We ran laps through the woods.
My face was hot, my pulse pounding, my cock straining against my jeans. At one point, Mutt slowed beside me, only a few trees between us. I was close enough to see his nostrils flare and those dark eyes drag down to my cock.
A slow, wicked grin spread across his lips, his mouth full of razor-sharp teeth.
Fuuuuck that’s hot.
I licked my lips and picked up the pace again, but I knew it was futile. There was no fucking way I’d be able to outrun him. That thought should’ve terrified me, especially with a past like mine. But it didn’t.
Instead…it made me feel safe.
Because if I couldn’t outrun him, no one else could.
And I had no doubt Mutt would go to great lengths to protect me. Hell, he already had.
Eventually, my body decided enough was enough.
Or maybe it was the log that decided that for me.
Because I leapt over it, a grin on my face, and my shoelace caught and I was…fuck.
Falling, falling, falling.
The cold hard ground smacked against my knees, causing my breath to rush out of me in a panicked gust. Goddammit. My foot’s stuck. My foot is— My pulse raced and I scrambled to get free, the steady thump of Mutt’s feet louder and louder as he neared, circling me like a shark.
“Fuck, fuck,” I kicked my foot out, my bruises aching, my lungs burning. “Fuck.”
There! Yes!
I got my foot free, already ready to begin the chase again?—
But apparently my hunter had had enough.
Because the second I tried to rise, there were teeth at the back of my neck and a hand snaking down to grip my cock between my legs, and I was—oh fuck, fuck, fuck. Yes. Yes yes yes. I jerked into the large, molten hot palm with a needy gasp.
Leagues of warm, sweaty werewolf crowded against me, teeth sinking deeper into my nape and turning me into putty.
The whine that escaped me was barely human, the sticky spot in my underwear steadily growing as I wheezed and melted. I knew he probably wanted a fight—that he craved it—but I couldn’t…I just…