I’m fucking fucked.

A tree loomed ahead, dark enough I barely saw it, its trunk thick enough to block out the gaps between the trees. Ferns brushed against my ankles, the damp scent of wet dirt filling my nose as I dodged around it. Moss brushed against my fingertips, cold, damp from the earlier rainstorm, and cushiony soft.


I could hear breathing still.

Behind me.

It was getting closer—closer—closer?—

Don’t look. It’ll only slow you down. Don’t do it—don’t?—

I looked.

Andddd immediately regretted it.

Because the second I stopped watching where I was going the whole forest decided to fuck me over. I tripped over a tree root and just barely managed to catch my fall. On my hands and knees now, with the wind knocked out of me, and my head spinning, I twisted my head around. Slowly, slowly, my heart racing–I finally caught sight of what had been following me—wait—wait.

Was that?—?

Oh my god.

“Mutt?” My voice cracked, acid burning in my veins as I stared at the very large, very beautiful man, loping along behind me. He paused, waiting, his head cocked to the side. And as I scrambled to my feet, I couldn’t help but stare.

Mutt was wearing clothes that didn’t fully fit again—I’d learned that he often borrowed from Butters and could only assume this was another stolen set. His eyes were luminescent in the dark, and though I knew he wouldn’t hurt me, the part of me that recognized him for the predator that he was, shivered.

Trained on me hungrily, his blue eyes glowed, feral.

There was something…off about him tonight.

Something foggy and needy and wild. His fangs were showing, for one thing, his breath coming in needy pants as he stared at me from several yards away like I wasn’t the man he’d been fucking—and instead, was a rather tasty rabbit.

I probably shouldn’t have started running again.

But I did.

My legs burned, eating up the distance as I ran away from him, gooseflesh traveling up my arms, the steady beat of his feet on the damp ground making me ache for more.

Something awoke inside me as Mutt gave me what I craved.

Something primal and needy.

A little voice that whispered, maybe he’s fast enough to catch you.

Maybe you want him to.

It was funny. Not even ten minutes ago I had been thinking about the fact that Mutt was the only person who had ever chased me—and here we were. Instead of fear, excitement settled over me. Fizzy and bright, electric in my veins.

A grin spread across my lips, my cock perking up as I watched him with open desire, running easily beside me, dodging between tree trunks, his eyes never leaving my face. His gaze was ravenous, swallowing me whole from several yards away, like he’d been starved without me.

As starved as I’d been without him.

“Hi, big guy,” I managed, voice throaty, breathless, because we were still running. He gracefully loped along beside me, ducking behind, then to the left, around the front, and to the right again. Racing circles. Playing with me. His eyes flickering in the dark like a cat’s.

Mutt made running look easy. All that muscle flexing as he leapt over logs, his eyes flooded with heat. There was a playful twist to his lips though, like he recognized I was enjoying this as much as he was. Like he could smell my stiff cock in my pants and the damp precum that slicked my boxers as my monster gave hunt.

Mutt didn’t speak.