I used every ounce of strength I had left and I ran.

Into the woods. Into the spotty shadows. Ducking between tree trunks, and beneath branches. Crazy dude didn’t wait long. I could hear him behind me, the thud, thud of his steps. His breathing was ragged as an animal’s, his legs eating up the distance between us as I huffed and puffed, dazed and disoriented, searching, searching, searching for somewhere I could—there.

I ducked behind a tree trunk, strangling my mouth with both hands to quiet my breathing, as I strained to listen for footsteps behind me.

Closer and closer.

There was no time—



Dirt filled my mouth and nose as I hit the ground, a desperate scream torn from my lips.


Hurt, hurt, hurt.

Everything hurt.

There was a weight on my back, hands around my neck. A bird fled the branches above, cawing its anger as it took to the skies and the ringing in my ears only grew worse and worse and worse. Maybe it was pain, maybe it was panic. Both. Probably.

“No—” I gasped raggedly, my words hoarse. I scratched at the dirt, trying to get the guy off of me, but there was no use.

There was no fucking use.

He was too heavy.

Too strong.

And I was just…

“I’m gonna kill you, you little—”

There was one last thing I could do. I could…yes.


He might not hear me—but if he could? I had to take that chance. I had to.

“Prudence!” I yelled. Or tried to. The words were barely a whisper, all choked and broken. “Prudence—”

“Shut up you dumb bit—”

“Prudence, help me!” I hiccuped, tears streaming down my stinging cheeks. “Save me—I—”

Before the words left my lips, the weight on my back was gone. I sucked in ragged, desperate breaths, my throat aching as I curled my fingers into the dirt and sobbed against the fallen leaves.

Distantly, I recognized the sound of fists meeting flesh but it took me a few seconds to find the strength to lift my head to watch.

Prudence was glorious.

The sun bled through his body, refracting like sun beams as he hauled my attacker by his hair across the forest floor away from me, eyes blazing. He looked other worldly. He spoke, but I couldn’t make out his words as I stared at him in awe. My beautiful, avenging god. The electric blue of his gaze burned as he kicked the guy where he lay on the ground for good measure, and immediately returned to my side.

Thick thighs flexed as he squatted down, half see-through, lip curling in disgust.

“Why didn’t you call sooner?” His voice was gruff. Angry.