I’d have to see my family soon.

I’d been forcing back those thoughts, but now? In this dirty as hell bathroom, with the Pee-Gods sated, was as good of a time as any to deal with my demons. My mom’s words still bounced around in my skull like a fucked up game of ping-pong as I pulled up Adam’s contact page and reread the text he’d sent me nearly two weeks ago.


I finally finished that anime you told me to watch.


Are you ignoring me?

Damn. I really should’ve replied. I sighed, releasing my lip as the bite of copper burst along my tongue. Now that I knew the mess I’d made would be fixed, talking to my family no longer felt quite so impossible. I had Prudence to thank for that. The pain grounded me, and I built up my courage as I leaned against the dirty sink and finally replied.


Hope u liked it!

Heard ur out of school.

Adam replied immediately. Because of course he did. He’d probably been waiting gleefully for this moment to tear me a new one.


You’re alive! Wow. Amazing.


Shit head.

I couldn’t help but laugh, scratching absentmindedly at a paint streak on my jeans as I waited. It was a good thing Prudence had packed me another pair. Otherwise I might’ve been stuck in my cum-soaked set and that was…definitely not an appealing idea. It still boggled my mind that he’d been able to get me to come in my pants at all. That had never happened to me before.

His paranormal penis was truly life changing.

In the time I’d been musing about Prudence and his pierced dick, Adam had texted back.


*tongue out emoji* :P Mom says you’re coming home for your birthday.

Are you actually coming? Or did you just say that to get her to stop freaking out?

I’d never lied to my siblings before. Well. Before the last six months. Mom? Hell yeah. All the fucking time. She didn’t know half the shit we’d had to do growing up just to survive. All three of us had opted to keep her in the dark permanently. So Adam had no reason to think I’d lie to him now. In fact, knowing him, if I told him right now I wasn’t coming he was sure to make up an excuse for me. Betty would back him up.

It was nice that I had good news for once.


Rude. I’m not a liar.



I snorted, unable to hide my smile against my shoulder any longer.


*devil smiling emoji*