The derogatory words only spurred me closer and closer to orgasm. I’d never known I would be into this—but fuck. Here I was, totally into it.
Look at yourself, slut.
Open your eyes.
Unable to be anything but obedient, I opened them. My broken cry weaved through the slick sounds of my fist around my dick as pleasure burst like fireworks inside me, and cum leaked eager and hot between my fingers. Staring at my reflection, I really did look like a whore, all half-lidded pleasure, my cock wet and slutty where the angry red crown popped through the loop of my fingers. Fuck. Fuck-fuck-fuck.
God, I looked good.
I hissed through my teeth, fumbling away from my throat to scrape my fingers past the sensitive skin of my balls, lower, lower. I pressed hard against the sweat sticky skin behind them as pleasure trembled through my body and my eyes rolled back as I jerked into my fist. Fuuuuck. Coming felt like a religious experience, my lashes fluttering as my tongue lolled, and my toes curled against the cold bathroom tile. Somehow my cum slick fingers ended up in my mouth and I sucked on them gratefully, shoving them far enough back I choked a little, salt on my tongue.
Why did this feel so…so fucking amazing?
Why hadn’t I ever been able to do this before?
Good boy.
Pleasure tasted salty-sweet on my tongue as I trembled, knees weak, head full of bees.
My entire body had been rebooted.
Unable to let go too soon, I basked in the overstimulation, gasping as my slick fingers twisted around the sensitive tip of my cock and the deep scratch of the voice in my mind commanded me to keep going—to keep playing till it hurt, till I couldn’t take it anymore. Till I was a sobbing mess and my dick was raw.
Only when I was too exhausted to move, did I open my eyes again. Half flopped over the counter, my body trembling, my cock twitching feebly, I had never looked more satisfied. When the fog of my breath on the mirror cleared however, I was greeted with a sight that chilled me to the bone. At first glance nothing was wrong. Same familiar cheekbones. Same freckle-smattered nose. That cut in my lip from the time I’d ran into an open kitchen cupboard.
Something was wrong though.
It took me a moment too long to realize what had changed. My face stared back at me, sure, but—it was wrong—all wrong. Set beneath dark brows should’ve been gray eyes, cloudy as a rainy day. But instead, what stared back at me was a mismatched pair. One was still gray, but the other…no. The other wasn’t mine. How could it be?
The foreign eye flickered icy, glacial blue. Nearly fluorescent in color, the iris glowing softly. There was something about it that was demanding, despite the fact it was foreign. Like it wasn’t going anywhere. Defiant. Like it owned me. Like it had any right to be there at all.
I probably should’ve realized I was being haunted sooner. I didn’t though. Sunshine McIdiot, remember? Honestly, at first I really thought I was lucky—just like the blond man at the club back in Maine had made me think I would be. Apparently my optimism wasn’t all the way dead.
This was karma or some shit.
It started with little things.
I’d forgotten sweetener for my coffee at the airport, and only realized after I’d already made myself at home waiting for my plane to arrive. After muttering about it, I rose to my feet, slung my duffle bag over my shoulder, and began the arduous trek through the terminal back to the cafe.
Except, when I finally arrived at the tiny little corner shop, the line had been incredibly long.
Too long.
Dejectedly, I turned right back around. I’d rather gag my way through the bitter bean juice than wait behind fourteen people just so I could be wired up for the plane ride home.
My abandoned seat was still empty so I plopped into it for the second time that day. Some guy two rows over snored peacefully with his headphones on. Squeezing my cup tight in one hand I did what I always did when out in public, looping my backpack straps through my legs so no one could steal it.
A flash of color caught my eye as I fidgeted, and I paused, jaw slack when I realized what it was. On top of the cheap navy pleather of the seat next to mine was a handful of sweetener packets and a few cups of hazelnut creamer.