“Ow!” The guy I was holding hissed, shifting uncomfortably. I’d stopped dancing. Which was stupid. I couldn’t get us caught. Funny how I’d thought Luca would be the one to fuck us over, but here I was…so enthralled by him I was about to blow our cover.

I could feel his pale gray eyes on me as I turned back to my dance partner with a grimace. I didn’t apologize on principle. Just arched my brow and watched the kid simper. Ugh. Apparently he liked the negative attention, because it took me a second too long to respond as his hand slipped up my thigh and he laid his palm flat against my crotch. My dick did not respond.

“You like to be rough, huh?” he asked, his voice grating on my nerves.

I was done with this game.

Three wallets was enough.

Ready to throw the guy off of me, I paused when I glanced up and caught the heated, possessive fire burning bright in Luca’s eyes. We were ridiculous. A slow smile crept across my face as his cheeks flushed and he twisted those massive shoulders to face me. He eyed the hand on my crotch pointedly, his nostrils flaring, the muscle in his jaw jumping.

God, he was gorgeous when he was pissed.

I got the feeling he didn’t get angry often.

There was a light dusting of gold stubble growing on his jaw and I was suddenly desperate to feel the sandpapery texture against my tongue. Something about him was so effortlessly masculine despite his pink hair, and ridiculously thick brown eyelashes.

Because I was an asshole, I didn’t remove Bret-sky’s hands. I even let my lashes flutter, to prove a point. If he was going to go around groping people in the search of money, I could too.

Luca’s eyes darkened, and he jerked inside the other man’s grasp.

“Hey?” Twink guy said, confused when I ignored him.

“Yeah, I like it,” I said the words loud enough for Luca to catch them, making sure there was enough growl left in my tone of voice to really get the point across. “What about you?”

“Fuck yeah. You got a boyfriend?”

Luca’s eyes burned into mine, my pulse thundered, as something wicked itched beneath my skin. My smile only grew wider. I maintained eye contact as I pointedly provoked the only man I wanted on my cock. “Nah.”

Maybe it was petty, to quote him like that.

But the way Luca stormed off made it worth it.

His long legs ate up the dance floor, his date abandoned as he practically stomped his way toward the coatroom at the back of the club. Those broad shoulders flexed, his ass bobbing as I cocked my head to watch. There was a glittery handprint on one ass cheek, and irrational jealousy made my skin itch.

Unceremoniously, I shoved the twink off of me and followed.

Luca should know better than to run from me.

I’d have to teach him.

When I finally caught up to him Luca was standing in the dark, rifling through the pockets of someone’s coat. He glanced up at me, a pissed off jut to his clenched jaw that had me panting after him like a dog. God he was gorgeous, his big chest heaving, eyes molten lava. Before I could blink, my back hit the wall. It took conscious effort not to phase right through it.

“What the fuck?” I asked at the same time Luca’s voice erupted between us.

“Why’d you let him touch you?”

I felt nearly giddy as Luca’s eyes flooded with heat and frustration. His grip on my shirt grew tighter as he crowded up against me, lip curling. Angry Luca was really doing something for me. Unlike when the twink had been touching me earlier, my cock rose to the occasion without so much as a single touch.

Luca licked his lips, and I stared at his bright pink tongue with fascination. My cock twitched as I imagined pushing inside that angry little mouth, hot-slick as he slurped around me. As quickly as it had appeared, his bluster wavered. The softness in his eyes returned. His lip wobbled. Shit. He was upset.

“You told me to get wallets,” I pointed out.

“I didn’t tell you to get felt up.”

“Says the guy with a handprint on his ass.” Yeah, I’d noticed. And I was petty enough to point it out. Luca’s wobbling lip flattened and he glared at me with an angry huff. Yeah, didn’t like that, did he? Sexy little hypocrite.

“It isn’t fair.” Luca clenched his teeth and glared at me.