Luca huffed indignantly, but there was mirth twinkling in his eyes, not annoyance. And then the motherfucker fuckin’ tricked me. He pulled my hand into the air, and I blinked at it in confusion, muscle-memory forcing me to hold it in place as he removed his hand from mine and then—slapped my palm. Hard.
“Go team!”
* * *
An hour passed.
Considering the club was nearing closing time, it remained surprisingly packed. Which was fine, because the crowd suited our purposes perfectly. Bodies pressed together, the scent of sweat in the air, as the neon lights above flickered rapidly enough to need a flash warning.
Two wallets. That was all I’d managed in the hour we’d been separated.
Knowing Luca, he’d probably only grabbed one. Or none. So I wasn’t that concerned about losing our bet. The twink I was currently manhandling around the dance floor grinned at me, his eyes alight. Objectively speaking, he was attractive. Well…he should’ve been. He was exactly the kind of guy I would’ve taken into a back room at the club in Ridgefield.
As it stood though, I only had eyes for one man.
I’d taken to dancing around the room, boosting wallets from the people I wasn’t dancing with while I used my twink of choice for cover.
For a while I’d lost sight of Luca. Which I hated.
I’d hunted the crowd for the tall bob of his fluffy pink head, distracted in a way that was entirely unlike me. And when I located him…well. My focus had stuttered, then stopped. A full-on collision between my purpose here, and the man that I found…tolerable.
Luca was dancing.
His long legs were spread, head tipped back, hips doing this circular swivel shake that had me hypnotized. My grip on the guy I held captive tightened and he gasped, but I ignored the sound as I traced the contours of Luca’s gorgeous full pecs, and down the rolling twist of his sexy abs with my eyes.
My mouth was dry.
The man behind him had his hands on Luca’s hips, maneuvering him, though it was obvious he didn’t need the help. They made their way toward us, casual enough that random-dude wouldn’t notice. Luca’s scent filled my nose again, his body only a few feet away.
Sweat, sex, fruity liquor.
He caught my eye and grinned.
Something secret inside me settled now that I knew he was safe.
The guy groaned as Luca twisted them around, flipping their bodies. The eyeful I got of the broad back of the man he was dancing with blocked my view of Luca. I wanted to yank them apart. Shove a ruler between them. Shove my tongue down Luca’s throat—and claim him in front of all of these people.
I’d never wanted to own someone else before.
Funny how I’d possessed, but never felt possessive.
Luca’s hands wrapped around his partner’s back, fingers tracing down the dude’s spine. I was close enough I caught the groan the touch elicited as the asshole tucked his face against Luca’s neck.
“You got a boyfriend?” he asked. The pounding bass wasn’t loud enough to drown out the words.
My grip grew even tighter. Tight enough I was sure it would leave bruises. I should’ve cared, but I didn’t. Brian? Brett? Budweiser? Whatever the fuck his name was, whined in my ear, and I cringed in response, too hyper-focused on Luca’s hands as they slipped slow and sure down the man’s back, inch by inch.
“Nah,” Luca laughed softly. My teeth clenched.
“Hmm.” I watched as the guy fingered the back of Luca’s neck, tracing over the bruises I’d left along his throat. “Interesting.”
When Luca’s hands reached the stout man’s waistband I was ready to rip them apart.
But then…his fingers snuck casually into the guy’s back pocket. And he slipped his wallet out, quick and easy.
With his hands on the guy’s ass I watched in fascination as Luca smoothly flipped around again, tucking the stolen wallet into his waistband under his hoodie in a movement so fluid I never would’ve caught it if I hadn’t known what he was doing. He ground his ass against asshole’s hips, turned his head to the side far enough the light hit his cheekbone, and I caught the corner of his smile.
And then he winked at me.