“I don’t know. An old man? I thought you might be wrinkly—or gray—or like…weirdly sexy in a terrifying creature type of way.” I blinked. “I guess the last bit is kinda true. Because wow. It shouldn’t be possible for you to be this sexy and this good in bed. What the hell. The probability is just crazy.”
Are you done?
“Um, no? I will never be done. I feel blindsided. Like—holy shit.” I shook my head, scrubbing hands up over my eyes, my cheeks bright red. “Okay. I changed my mind. I don’t want to see you anymore, goodbye,” I declared dramatically as I squeezed my eyes shut tight to fortify myself against his gloriousness. When I dropped my hands and opened my eyes my face was staring back at me again.
“I didn’t mean literally,” I blinked. “Come baaaack.”
He came back.
“Wait—Okay.” I pressed my hand to the mirror, stupidly shocked when cool glass touched my palm. I should’ve been touching his pec, the solid swell of the muscle tucked beneath my hand. He looked so real. If I moved my hand to the right I could brush his nipple. He’s just…just a reflection though, I reminded myself as Prudence glared up at me, his chest flexing in fury beneath my palm. I felt cheated that I wasn’t actually touching him. “I…” I blinked, shaking my head again to clear it. “You look like you could bench press five of me.”
Prudence didn’t dignify this with a response.
“Sorry, sorry. I’ll stop freaking out—just give me a second.”
He nodded.
And then I noticed the fact his ears were pierced—multiple times—multiple times! And I had another mini panic attack.
Eventually, I calmed down, though my heart remained stubbornly fluttery. I swallowed around the dryness in my throat as it finally hit me that Prudence had been watching the whole fucking time I freaked out. How embarrassing. My cheeks burned as I released the mirror and took a shaky step back. I let him soak up my humiliation greedily. It was only fair since he’d let me ogle him. His unnaturally pale gaze was hungry but detached as he inspected me through the glass like I was a slab of meat on a butcher table.
Why was that so hot?
“So—it is really really really important to me right now that you answer my earlier question. The one you totally ignored.”
Which one?
“Whether or not you like me.”
Prudence’s eyes narrowed into slits. Now that I saw him actually pissed off it made me aware that apparently the murder stare he’d been giving me before was probably just his face. A permanent I will kill you kinda vibe. Effortlessly gorgeous and deadly at the same time.
My heart thundered in my chest as I waited with baited breath for his response.
Please, please say yes.
I want to fuck you.
“Oh, thank god.” That was good enough for me. I slumped in relief. Hearing those words cut through the tension that had crept into my body the moment I’d realized he was way out of my league. “Are you sure?”
God, I was annoying. I winced at myself.
He devoured my shame with his eyes.
If I didn’t want to fuck you I wouldn’t have chosen you.
For some reason…that made me feel incredibly good. I flushed a little and nodded, squirming as I glanced down at my silky stolen pajama pants self-consciously. Fuck. He’d seen me in the robe—he’d seen me cry—oh no.
How could he be attracted to me if he knew what I looked like snot-covered and tear-streaked?
Maybe I should stop stealing Violet’s stuff. Maybe I should make an effort to be sexier? To try and fix the damage I’d already done to my image.
I wasn’t normally like this.
I usually dressed in athleisure and was covered in paint. Though, now I wasn’t even sure that could be considered my “normal” since I’d been existing as a sad lump of stolen silk for nearly six months. I had nice clothes. Sure, they were sitting in a dirty pile under my bed next to my abandoned art supplies—but I could resurrect them.
“I should probably put more effort into my appearance,” I muttered softly to myself. “Gotta change so I—” Prudence’s voice immediately cut through my morose thoughts like a blade, all vicious, sure, and effortlessly commanding.