“Ugh you’re taking forever,” I complained after a few more centuries of painful waiting. Prudence’s fingers playing with my hair were incredibly distracting, and also super fucking rude. Because wow, it was like every time it hurt even just a little my cock jerked.
“Shush.” He was mocking me and I didn’t even fucking care.
More silence. More waiting.
He trailed his nails behind my ear and I twitched, shivering, as the hair on my arms stood on end and I tried not to stare at the wet spot where the tip of my cock pressed against my boxers. God, it hurt so good to be teased like this. Prudence knew exactly what he was doing to me and he clearly got off on the torture as much as I did.
God, I liked him so much.
I wanted him to bully me more.
Eventually I stopped anticipating his answer. Instead, I let my lashes flutter shut and tipped toward his questing fingers, hyper-aware of his every move. It felt so good to be touched like this, explored. Like he was mapping out my freckles as he toyed with my heart.
An eon passed and then finally, finally Prudence spoke. When he did, his words were smoke and rainfall, trickling over me, as he played me like a fiddle till my head drooped and I sunk into a foggy state of lust-addled curiosity.
“You looked stupid enough to want to help me.”
Okay, rude.
I couldn’t muster up enough fight to do much more than tremble.
“Asshole.” I gasped, but Prudence ignored me, his fingers slipping around the front of my neck again till they dipped into the hollow at the base of my throat. God, why was that so hot? When he grew bored with my collarbone they teased at the neckline of my robe, slipping beneath the fabric to toy at my sparse chest hair.
“You’re not special,” Prudence added, as if he didn’t care how the words would affect me. Jokes on him though, because his condescension only made my dick harder.
“What do you need help with?” I asked, curiosity buzzing beneath my skin, at war with the desire to be touched, and touch in return. I wanted to reach up and snag his fingers, suck them into my mouth, choke on them to show him how good I’d make him feel if he let me warm his cock inside my throat.
“Is that your second question?”
“Yes.” I desperately needed to know why he was here, Violet’s cautious words lingering in the back of my head. Even though, admittedly, I was distracted, still thinking about his fingers. I could feel them teasing, teasing, teasing as he slid further and further under my robe. Inch by inch. Till finally they brushed up against one of my nipples and I grit my teeth to keep from groaning.
So he wanted to play it this way, huh?
Man, I was pretty sure I was in love with him already.
“I want to die,” Prudence murmured, his words tickling across my skin.
Oh. Wow. Boner killer. I jolted from him in surprise and Prudence made an angry, low noise that had me immediately cowering back into place. Okay, so, no moving. Got it.
“You want to…die?” I blinked. “But aren’t you already dead?”
“I am.” Aggressively he shoved against my back, both threatening and tantalizing. The full length of his body crowded against mine, solid, strong, and entirely too delicious for me to resist. I rubbed back, unable to help myself. Full pecs rubbed against my shoulder blades. My nipples hardened, tingling as I bit my lip till it burned.
Apparently, fucking and chatting were things that could totally happen at the same time. Thick, callused fingers pinched my nipples hard enough to sting, torturing them till my eyes rolled back, and my cock jerked. I couldn’t help the way I shoved my chest up, chasing his touch like the slut he accused me of being.
No one had ever touched me like this before.
Like I was their sole focus.
“And yet…I’m still here.” He breathed, his tongue wet and cold as it snuck along the shell of my ear. I couldn’t help but whimper, my body twitching as I tried to simultaneously shove into the fingers plucking my nipples and back against his mouth. “I don’t want to be.”
Simmering beneath my skin was a flicker of shame. Prudence had been right about that. But there was something else there too. Something new. Just like I’d never done any of this before, I’d never been this way with anyone else.