Prudence kissed me again, probably to stop me from asking the zillions of questions that threatened to burst free.
“I’m staying,” he repeated quietly, privately. Just for me. His cold nose brushed mine. “So save your tears.” He nipped my bottom lip and a surprised little whimper escaped. “You’ll need them for what I want to do to you later.”
Prudence’s “I love you” was laced in every needy kiss we shared as we made our way to the van. It hid inside his arms as he bundled me onto his lap despite the way I dwarfed him in size. It crept into my heart, secret and safe, as he sucked kisses against the freckles on my neck, and he stroked the last of the tension from my shoulders.
When we pulled onto the freeway to head back to Eastgrove I couldn’t help but glance at Vanity and Chastity where they’d stayed mercifully quiet up front. Chastity caught my eye and winked. The drive back was spent in exhausted silence as I soaked Prudence up, relief making my body floaty, and my heart settle.
“Bank,” Prudence said so abruptly I jumped.
“What?” I blinked in confusion, untucking my face from the crook of his neck to look for clues on his face. “What do you—”
He ignored me, glaring his sisters down, the empty seat between us doing nothing to protect them from his ire. “Take me to the bank.”
“The…” Oh.
I’d forgotten about our deal.
“Prudence, we don’t need to—” Prudence covered my mouth with one delicious tattooed hand, quieting me.
If he wanted to play it like that, we’d play it like that. I licked his palm, and he was so startled he dropped his hand. His gaze snapped to mine, an almost hilarious look of surprise on his face. I ignored the fact the only other time I’d done this was in less than ideal circumstances. Instead I focused on him, unable to hide my giggle. He covered my mouth again.
“Bank,” he repeated, his surprise quickly squashed. His eyes glowed as an evil grin flitted across his face, fingers tightening their grip on my cheeks. With a wicked look in his eyes, he leaned in close, his lips against my ear as he promised, “Two.”
He was such a fucking shithead.
But he was my shithead, so I loved him anyway.
* * *
Apparently Prudence Rain was dramatic and extra as fuck. I wasn’t sure what to expect when we pulled into the parking lot of a massive, frankly terrifying bank inside the nearest big city an hour away from the prison. It was high rise—covered in black glass, and ninety percent of the cars parked were sports cars.
I didn’t argue, because it hadn’t worked well earlier. But I did give him my best side-eye as we entered the lobby and immediately a rotund man with a honestly amazing mustache approached us.
Chastity had called ahead, so clearly they’d been waiting for us. I glanced down at my borrowed pants and t-shirt and felt about an inch tall. I should’ve taken off my baseball cap. Shit. Prudence’s grip on my hand grew tight, almost like he could sense my self-consciousness and wanted to distract me.
“Mr. Rain,” the man greeted, looking more than a little starstruck. “Follow me back to my office and I’ll get you and your…” he waited, blinking patiently.
“Fiancé,” Prudence deadpanned. I squawked, unable to help myself. Prudence looked incredibly proud of himself, his lips twitching into my favorite downward smile as he caught my distress. Always a sadist.
“And your fiancé all taken care of.” He led us through a giant lobby with a chandelier big enough to squash at least three people, down a long winding hallway, and into an office with an entire wall made of that same black glass I’d seen outside.
The armchairs looked like they were made for giants. Made from leather, my chair squeaked as I sat down. I grimaced. Prudence’s grip on my hand only grew tighter.
Bank guy—I peeked at the plaque on his desk—Martin. Martin gave us both a friendly nod. “Give me two moments, gentleman, I’ll get someone to bring in refreshments.” He headed toward the door, presumably to call out to a butler or something—whatever a fancy ass bank like this would have—to bring us food.
Taking the opportunity I leaned over, glaring at Prudence.
“Fiancé?” I asked, confused and a little miffed. “Really?”
“You said we weren’t boyfriends.” Jesus fuck.
“You are one petty bitch,” I decided, though I couldn’t hide my smile. “What are we doing?” I lowered my voice. “Why are we lying to this nice bank dude?”