We could have this.

We could have a future.

If he wanted it.

“I’m…I’m offering you a choice.” My breath stuttered out. “Grow old with me, Prudence. Live with me. Die with me.” The hold he had on my hip was painfully tight. “Choose me. But know—know even if you don’t, I’ll keep on loving you. No matter what you pick, that won’t change.”

With all my cards on the table there was nothing I could do but wait.

And I did.

My vision was blurry, so it was hard to catch his expression as I sniffled, my heart in my throat.

“I’m not a good person.” Prudence’s voice echoed quietly in the space between us. I could feel his vulnerability quaking within every syllable.

“Maybe not,” I agreed, my heart fluttering with something akin to hope. “But you’re my person. And for me, that’s good enough.”

And then he sighed. It was a low, put upon sound. I swallowed back a sob, so sure in that moment that it was done. That it was over. That it hadn’t been enough. I took a half step back, ready to let him go—but his grip only grew tighter as he dragged me back.

“If you keep crying like that, I’ll have no choice but to take you right here.”

A startled laugh bubbled up my throat.


“I’d rather wait until we have some privacy.” Prudence’s eyes were all mine, but his words were clearly directed at his nosy as fuck siblings. “And I have time to really take you apart.”

I didn’t blame them for eavesdropping, this wasn’t a casual conversation. We were talking about Prudence’s future after all, or lack thereof.

“One last time?” That was better than nothing.

“No.” Prudence shook his head, and he released my hip to cradle my face in both his palms. His thumbs swiped away my tears, and I blinked till my vision cleared enough I caught the earnest unwavering strength in his gaze. “No, Luca.”

I didn’t get it.

I blinked stupidly at him.

“Do I have to spell it out for you?” He rolled his eyes, and another almost hysterical laugh left my lips.

“Yeah, probably.”

Prudence growled, curling his lip in annoyance. The gentle, almost reverent way he cradled my face however, betrayed his true feelings. Hope. Yellow, yellow, yellow. Hope began to flutter in the collapsed cavern of my chest. “I told you I was going to fuck you as many times as I can before I die.”

I nodded stupidly.

“I don’t…” I didn’t understand. Prudence huffed again, leaning up to lace a greedy, needy kiss against my lips. Rather than stay on solid ground he floated upward, crowding against me, his tongue pushing into my mouth. His piercing rubbed along the top of my palate and I whimpered, distracted, as he devoured me kiss by possessive kiss.

With the higher angle he was able to get deeper, push harder. The kiss tasted like salt and possibility. He nipped my lip. The pain centered me. His tongue fucked deep enough for a moment I forgot my own name.

By the time he pulled back I was dazed and flushed, and my lips were all tingly.

“I’m staying.”


