In a surprising bout of luck it only took twenty minutes to find another gas station. Luca was so relieved, I could practically smell it in the air. He had made a big fuss about peeing in the trees earlier, and despite his reassurances that he liked camping and he’d spent a lot of time in these woods, I couldn’t help but think he wasn’t cut out for this.

He needed to be pampered, not beaten.

“You remember what to do?” He blinked at me, long lashes fluttering. That same boyish grin was back that had haunted me since our time at the club, and I couldn’t help the way I returned the smile.

During the time we’d skirted the edges of the road we’d come up with an elaborate plan. It would work, I was sure of it. Once again—I was surprised by how quickly Luca had dove into the idea, though…how cagey he got when I asked him questions made it clear there was something else behind his easy acceptance of breaking the law.

Funny how just a few weeks ago he’d been biting my head off about robbing an ATM for him.

The two sides of his personality were so opposite they should not have co-existed. And yet…somehow they did. Complementing each other perfectly.

The man who was responsible, and followed all the rules.


The man who would do anything to survive.

Luca tore his hoodie over his head as I hid our backpack behind a tree for later retrieval. He handed it to me and I tugged the hoodie on with a grunt, annoyed when his shit-eating grin met my gaze the second my head popped out of the neck hole.

“You look tiny,” Luca cooed. I pinched his ass, hard. He yelped, but didn’t comment about my size again.

Tiny, my ass.

My shoulders were practically bursting out of the seams on this thing—even if it did fall nearly to my knees. Wasn’t my fault he wore them baggy, and his body was freakishly long.

“Make sure to cover your hands,” Luca plucked at the sleeves till they fell over my knuckles. “People are small-minded up here.” He grimaced, obviously embarrassed by the fact since he’d grown up in this area. “The amount of tattoos you have doesn’t necessarily scream, lost, scared, college student.”

“That’s judgmental.” I poked at him, only to catch him rolling his eyes. I could’ve gotten rid of the tattoos entirely, but the idea made my skin crawl. My body was an illusion, but it was still mine. These tattoos were the only thing I actually had control over. I could’ve assumed a new identity too—but…I didn’t want to share this with Luca looking like someone else.

I wanted it to be us.

Just us.

“Believe me, I know.” He looked ridiculously good in his simple t-shirt. It hugged the swell of his pecs, his nipples hard from the cold where they pushed against the fabric. Damn. I resisted the urge to lean over and suck one into my mouth. “Stop looking at me like that.”

“Like what?”

“Like you’re going to push me against the nearest tree and fuck me.”

God…the images that aroused—I fought the urge to do just that—only stopping when his goddamn stomach growled again.


Food, then sex.

Luca shivered.


Sex could wait until he was warm, and comfortable—I amended quickly. The casual reference he’d made to fucking wasn’t lost on me. I’d thought about it—especially lately. Before I’d met Luca I had never hesitated to sate the need to fuck. It was carnal. Natural. It made me feel real.

With him though…nothing we did could be construed as casual. If I slipped inside the tight clutch of his body, I’d never want to leave again. I wasn’t sure I was ready to deal with the implication of that. It wasn’t his body that made me feel alive, it was him. His laughter. His smile. The twinkle in his mischievous big gray eyes. I’d let him know me—really, know me.

If I fucked him there would be no going back.

Funny how something that had never meant anything to me before, meant everything now.

We fell into line, dashing across the road as sunlight glinted off the gas pumps out front. I didn’t recognize the name of the gas station, only that it had food, and we needed food. Good.