We were both so sticky.
Before I’d had a chance to recover, Prudence was pulling me to my feet with the grip he had on my hair. My scalp zinged. I stood on wobbly legs, surprised I still was capable of walking as he yanked me to him, and fucked his tongue right into my mouth. He chased every last taste of himself, claiming me so thoroughly my cock was nearly summoned back to life again by the time he’d decided we were done.
When he finally pulled back I wobbled again, reaching out for his biceps to steady myself. To my surprise, he let me. He patted me down, wiped my mouth off on the hem of his t-shirt, and then made out with me till I forgot my own name again. He nipped, and sucked, biting at my lips till I was so drunk on his kisses all I could do was chase his tongue and sway on unsteady feet.
When he finished, Prudence’s arm hung possessively around my waist as he led me out of the room without a word. Someone cheered at us as we passed through the blur of bodies, but I couldn’t bring myself to care.
Cover officially blown.
Among other things.
We got in the car in a daze. Belatedly, I glanced down to make sure the wallets I’d stolen were still hidden from view. They were. Ah. So that’s why he’d been jerking on the hem of my hoodie.
Prudence booted my phone up for the second time that night, flipped through a few pages, the blue light flickering over his features, before he put the car in drive, and leaned over my seat to check behind us as he backed out of the parking spot.
I stared at his hand as it pressed to my headrest, my eyes nearly crossing as I traced the shape of the familiar tattoos with ease. L.I.A.R taunted me across his knuckles. I held back the urge to kiss each individual letter. My lips were still tingling. Salt danced on my tongue.
“Hotel,” he grunted, answering the question I hadn’t even asked.
“Hotel,” I agreed, my voice so quiet I wasn’t even sure I’d spoken. Before he retracted his arm he gave the curls at the base of my neck a gentle pinch. And when we pulled out onto the street, GPS blaring from my phone screen, his hand lay cool and protective on the top of my thigh.
I spared one last thought to the men at the club. The one’s I’d robbed. The last one in particular.
I should’ve felt guilty.
Part of me did.
But part of me? Yeah. Part of me was tired of caring. Part of me was tired of hiding this side of my personality.
I just hoped none of them came looking for us before we got to our destination.
I should’ve picked a shittier spot to stay the night. Hindsight and all, I realized a fancy high rise hotel in a big city wasn’t the best place to lay low, considering the fact we were spending someone else’s money. It was late enough now though, that I decided to throw caution to the wind. If something bad happened, I had plenty of options.
For example, I could tell Luca about the power he held over me.
But, I wanted to avoid that if at all possible.
Weirdly enough, after seeing how easily he had fallen into his role at the club, I was less apprehensive than I’d been before about telling him. Hilarious how I’d sworn just a few short weeks ago that I would never in my un-life give someone that power over me again. I thought I was safe, latching on to a person who didn’t know.
But just a few short weeks together, one wild crime-filled night, and here I was, wavering.
And here he was, confusing me once again.
I should’ve picked a shittier hotel.
But the way Luca’s eyes lit up when he spotted the fluffy king-sized bed made the risk worth it. His grin was positively sunny as he flopped down on his back like an overgrown kid, far more lively now that he’d had a chance to settle. That foggy, dazed look on his face as we’d left the club would live in my thoughts for all eternity.
He wiggled.
I shook my head, disgusted with myself—and him—for the inappropriate thought. I glared as he flailed around happily, making pleased little noises that went straight to my dick.
Then his stomach growled.