Page 38 of The Devil Takes

That simple promise, against all odds, broke the last of my resolve.

“Of that I have no doubt.” I squeezed the back of his neck, my thumb pressing hard against the bite mark as his eyes rolled back. His sweet little tongue curled inside his mouth between his parted lips as endorphins lit up his system from the pressure. Somehow I knew this, as I pressed down harder and watched him grow limp with pleasure. “You are eager to please, in a way most never are.”

Somehow he still managed to speak, despite the fact I was actively collaring him. “I’ll do whatever you want.”

Apparently something even as intimate as this wasn’t enough for him.


Still, harder I pressed, forcing myself not to groan as his lashes fluttered and his eyes rolled back a second time. “You give yourself away too freely.”

Percy bit his lip, his pearly white teeth catching at the pink flesh. They were little. Cute. Cute like he was. Slightly crooked, in an endearing way, his canines bigger than most omegas, just like the rest of him.

His lashes still fluttering, he reached for my other hand and I let him take it, intrigued by what he had planned. He’d been so full of surprises I wasn’t sure what to expect. When he brought my fingers to his lips, I had only a moment to mentally prepare before the slick wet-hot of his tongue was lapping at them.

Flick, flick, suck.


My eyes grew heavy with lust, my cock throbbing in time with the tentative, unpracticed swipe of his tongue. Before, when he’d done this, I’d been wearing my gloves so as much as I’d enjoyed the visual stimulation, I hadn’t gotten to feel the heat of his mouth like this. This time he’d caught me in the middle of a break in the work day. In a fit of frustration, I’d tossed my gloves aside, toed off my boots, and lay on my bed, waiting for my energy to return.

Lately, I’d lacked the drive to do things I’d always done.

I didn’t want to blame Percy, but privately, I acknowledged the fact that he was always on my mind. It was clearly affecting me.

I shouldn’t give in to him. But I’d already played this game of hot and cold with myself and obviously, my desire for him had won the moment he curled his tongue around my middle finger, sucking me far enough down I could practically feel the back of his throat. All tight and wet. Seemed obvious that it should be wet, but I had never really thought about it before. Not before I’d met him, anyway.

I groaned as Percy swallowed, his teeth gently scraping my fingers as he pulled off, only to sink down once again. It was easy enough to picture another part of my body in his mouth, but somehow this felt filthier. His eyes were hooded, this determined twist to his brow that practically screamed how desperate he was to please me.

And then he sucked me too far down and choked with an unhappy cough, pulling off, his eyes watering, lashes wet.

My pulse throbbed, and my dick jerked at the sight. Watching him struggle was its own kind of pleasure. The way his face turned splotchy red, the way his lips stretched wide, and tears leaked down his cheeks. How frustrated he looked. Angry that he’d been unable to accomplish what he’d set out to do.

He was glaring at me, as if daring me to tell him that he’d failed.

To tell him that he wasn’t good enough.

“If you keep looking at me like that, there will be no saving you,” I warned, that something deep inside me that had begun to wake, clawing toward the surface. Tooth and nail tore through my carefully constructed walls, howling to get out.

“I don’t want to be saved,” Percy huffed, with his face scrunched up in annoyance. The expression had me half amused, half panting to shove my cock in his mouth and watch him choke again.

“You do,” I whispered, letting go of my inhibitions as I traced his lower lip thoughtfully, even though what I really wanted to do was shove my fingers back inside his mouth. I pulled his bottom lip down, admiring the pretty pink of his gums and his pearly little teeth before I let it thwap back into place. He glared at me and I couldn’t help my reaction. The moment he made that frustrated face again, I was pressing my finger back inside, rubbing along his tongue till it curled and he began to suck obediently.

The urge to make him choke was hard to shove down, but I managed.

He was so fucking sweet it made my teeth hurt.

“You want to be saved,” I murmured, unable to recognize my own voice, it had grown so rough. “Though why you’ve chosen my cock as your savior, I cannot understand.” Percy scoffed around my finger, though the noise was muffled, his eyes bright with indignation and desire.

I had no choice.

I broke.

I shoved him down, climbing over his body in one swift movement. He opened for me, his thick thighs spongy with sweat, the muscle dense when I grabbed his inner thigh and shoved him wider. Inside his mouth, I forced my finger deeper, before slipping in a second digit to watch him struggle, eyes watering, his hard cock knocking against my lower abs.

He didn’t fight, succumbing to the pleasure torture with surprising grace.

He was beautiful this way.