“Money?” Clearly my one-word answer wasn’t enough because he stopped pulling my hair, and a needy, plaintive sound left my lips. I scrambled to answer again, desperate to be good for him. Desperate for him to hurt me again.
The feeling was so unlike me, it made my head spin.
I’d always run from pain, not chased it.
“I get free housing for the year if I can stay the night.” It wasn’t the whole story, but I didn’t know how to explain the rest. It seemed cheap now, saying that out loud. Especially when, just moments prior, Haden had thought I was an actual human fucking sacrifice. But hell…it was the truth, and I’d never been any good at lying. My own honesty had gotten me into trouble more times than I could count.
“And this ‘housing’…is important to you?” Haden clarified.
I thought about it.
Honestly, at that moment, no.
What was more important was getting through the layers of clothing separating my mouth from Haden’s dick. I didn’t say that, though. I was already acting like a whore, I didn’t need to talk like one too. I could practically feel my mother rolling in her grave at the other side of the cemetery, and I shuddered, pushing that thought from my mind.
Hot, slick, wet-wet-wet.
My hole clenched around nothing.
Why weren’t we fucking again?
Oh, right.
Because I was supposed to be answering Haden’s question.
It was hard to remember what he’d asked, my mind was scrambled with images of me on my knees in the dirt, his cock in my mouth, gloved fingers stretching my ass wide. The fact I was a virgin had never meant I didn’t have a wildly enthusiastic imagination. Saliva pooled on my tongue and I swallowed, sucking at Haden’s heavy balls with renewed vigor. C’mon fucker. I could feel his cock twitch. Don’t let me down! Give in.
“Did your…”
“Frat brothers?” I offered before greedily sucking again. Boo. He still wanted to talk.
“Did your ‘frat brothers’ know you were going into heat when they sent you here?”
That couldn’t be right.
I was on suppressants. Strong ones. Military grade. That wasn’t possible. I hadn’t had a heat since I was sixteen and my dad had locked me in the basement with a handful of pills and a water bottle.
No heat.
It couldn’t be that.
“Not in heat,” I said, though the words felt like ash on my tongue.
They felt like lies.
Haden made a soft, growly little noise that was equal parts frustrated and fond. He was a stranger and yet he still managed to be kinder to me than anyone had been in a long fucking time. My eyes burned as I shook my head, never straying far from where I’d made myself at home against his cock. “Can’t be. Suppressants.”
Words were harder to get out. Slippery as wet noodles.
“I hate to break this to you, darling, but you’re wrong.” He said it so easily, like stating my suppressants weren’t working was a simple fact and not an earth-shattering problem.
Fear bubbled up inside me as my earlier visions of murderers and feral alphas came to mind again. I must’ve made a panicked noise because Haden hushed me softly, pulling my hair tight, just the way I liked, till I relaxed again and resumed my needy nuzzling.