Page 70 of The Ex

Biting back an answering grin, she slapped his butt playfully, letting her hand linger on his firm muscles. 'As impressive as I find this fine piece of anatomy, could you please concentrate on the task at hand?'

'Hey, I'm not the one losing concentration here.' He snagged her hand off his ass and returned it to the zip. ‘Hurry. The sooner you finish, the sooner you get to have dessert.'

Her mouth always watered at the prospect of Nick's cooking, and tonight she had a feeling he'd whipped up one of her favourites.



'You're a hard man, Nick Mancini.'

'Only around you, sweetheart,' he murmured, his double entendre sending an illicit thrill through her.

Heat seeped into her cheeks and she gave one, last hefty tug on the zip, grateful when it finally slid into place. 'You're wicked too. Now, where's my reward?'

Nick slid off the case and hauled her into his arms. 'Right here.'

She feigned indifference, difficult considering her favourite place in the world was in his arms. 'Dessert sounds more tempting.'

'I'll show you tempting,' he muttered, nuzzling her neck in the sensitive spot above her collarbone, until she squealed.

'Okay, okay. You've made your point. Now can I have dessert?'

She slid her hands up his back, revelling in the muscles beneath her palms. She'd lived with this man for one incredible year and, rather than tiring of each other, their love grew stronger every day. How did she get so lucky?

Nick dropped a sweet, lingering kiss on her lips. 'You're insatiable.'

'For food, too. Now, dessert, please.’

Chuckling, he held her hand and led her into the kitchen of their Chelsea apartment, sat her down, and made a big show of unveiling dessert.

'I hope this is to your satisfaction?' He bowed while placing a huge serving of tiramisu in front of her.

She licked her lips and patted his butt again. 'I'm very satisfied. Care to join me?'

‘That’s an offer I can't refuse,' he said, slipping onto the chair next to her and opening his mouth for the little piece of heaven on a fork she offered him.

Forking a healthy mouthful into her mouth, she sighed in bliss as the blend of sweet ecstasy burst on her taste buds.

'You really are one hell of a catch, Mancini. World-class chef, billionaire hotelier, sugar cane plantation owner. Which, by the way, was a stroke of genius, hanging onto the farm so we can let our kids get their hands dirty when they tire of playing hide and seek in all those fantasy rooms at the hotel.’ She batted her eyelashes in faux coquettishness. ‘Sure you want to be stuck with little old me?'

Every now and then, the fear of the past ten years—the endless, lonely years when she'd convinced herself Nick didn't care—raised its head.

Thankfully, he quashed it in typical Nick fashion.

'You're the love of my life, Red. Where else would I be but by your side? Besides, I need to stick around if we're to make some of those kids you mentioned…'

Her throat clogged with emotion, she leaned forward and kissed him, licking a tiny glob of cream from the corner of his sexy mouth.

'Eloping sounds kind of neat but I think we should head back to Jacaranda to renew our vows like we planned.'

He searched her eyes for any sign of doubt. 'You sure? We've made our own memories here. Why not leave the past in the past?'

'The past can't hurt me anymore. I made my peace with Dad before he died and nothing I feel now is going to change what happened. But Jacaranda means a lot to you, and to me too. It's where we grew up, where we met, where we first fell in love…' She trailed off, blinking back tears.

'I can't believe you actually loved me all those years ago. I was convinced you were only interested in having me along for the ride to London because you were scared of being alone, being the uptight little princess you were.'

'And you'd be the expert to judge, being the troublemaking rebel you were.'