That’s a good question.
I chew on my bottom lip and consider my answer carefully. “I think if I told him not to, he wouldn’t. If he’s as obsessed with me as I think he is, he’ll probably do whatever I tell him.”
Yolanda scoffs and pulls into my driveway. “I wouldn’t be so sure about that.”
My heart races with excitement when I see Yolanda’s car pull into Kiara’s driveway through the open storm door. I tuck her phone into the back pocket of my jeans and secure my knife into the waistband. Luckily, I had enough time to change into my intruder attire, so I’m decked out in the usual all-black that I suppose I’m known for now. I’m eager to see the look on Kiara’s face when she sees the ski mask.
I’m just about to open the door when I notice a second car pull up.
What the hell?
Kiara jumps out of the car and glares at me as she storms up the porch. I chuckle when she tries to open the storm door, but it’s locked. The corner of my mouth lifts into a feral smile, and I stand there for all of two seconds before I unlock it.
Behind her, her friend gets out and makes her way to the door, and three guys I notice as Anthony Banks and his D-list friends get out of the other car.
I grab Kiara by the arm, pull her inside, and lock both doors behind us. A beat later, someone begins laying into the doorbell, and I can hear Yolanda’s frantic cries from the other side.
“If you don’t open the door in five seconds, asshole, I’m calling the police!” she shouts.
I barely hear a word she says because all I see is Kiara standing in front of me, and I think I’m about to die.
She looks…different,somehow. She’s not the meek little thing I met three or four months ago. With her arms crossed over her chest, and that cute, determined look on her face, she looks like a completely new person.
“She really will call the police if you don’t let me go,” Kiara says, voice hard as stone.
I lift a shoulder indifferently. “So, let her call them.”
A dark shadow passes by the kitchen window, and when I look over, I see one of Anthony’s friends peering inside.
“You really thought some pretty boys could keep me away from you?”
Surprisingly, she shakes her head and says, “No—but three is better than one. I figured the three of them would be enough to hold you down so I can get my phone and locket back.”
I smirk. How cute of her to think anyone can stop me from claiming her.
“Look, I don’t care about the phone. I just want my pendant back, Zyran,” she warns darkly. “Now.”
I hold up my hand and pull down my sleeve to give her a glimpse of the heart-shaped locket on my wrist. “This one?”
“Yes!” she shouts, eyes filled with fury.
I take a step closer to her, bridging the gap between us, and twirl a strand of her hair around my finger.
“If you want it back, butterfly, you’ll have to run.”
She stiffens. “What?”
I lean in close until my mouth is right by her ear. “If you want your pendant, you have to run.”
Her dark brown eyes turn molten with desire, and I swear I can smell how horny she is. Her jaw works as she grits her teeth.
“You can try to deny it all you want, baby, but I know you’re just as turned on as I am.”
Kiara steps back, but she trips over the runner and stumbles into the wall. I chuckle darkly and crowd around her, placing my hands on either side of her head and trapping her in, thoroughly invading her space. Her soft curves feel so fucking good against the hardness of my body, and all I want is to dig my teeth deep into that sweet flesh of her neck, but I hold off because I’m not done yet.