Page 34 of Primal

Why does he insist on making things more difficult than they have to be? I guess I kind of asked for it when I practically invited him into my life.

I wait for a reply, but it never comes, so I pull up my text chat with Yolanda and click on my location.

“It’s showing that we’re practically right on top of him,” I say, zooming in all the way. I look around again, but I just don’t fucking see him.

“That could be because we’re at the same event,” Yolanda reasons. While I know she’s right, I think that even if we were in two different parts of the venue, his location wouldn’t be right where we are, in front of the Hilton Hotel.

Another message comes through, this time with a picture attached.

If you want your stuff, you’ll have to work for it, Kiara.

In the picture, he’s wearing the locket wrapped around his wrist as a bracelet, and he’s purposely holding up my phone to taunt me.

I let out a frustrated huff. When I go back to check my location, my little picture is now moving—fast.

I gasp. “He’s leaving!”

Yolanda pulls her keys off her belt loop and leads the way to her car. “Let’s go.”

I grip her phone and follow her down the path toward the exit. I’m so pissed that I have to miss the rest of the festival because Zyran wants to play this little cat-and-mouse game.

Why are you doing this to me? When will you learn to just stop???

Yolanda and I hop into the car and take off. “It looks like he’s going down Main Street.”

Yo flies down the road toward Main while I watch my little picture like a hawk and wait for him to respond.

“I don’t know where the hell he’s going,” I say, irritated. “He’s taking all kinds of turns. It makes no fucking sense.”

“Just tell me where he is now,” Yolanda says impatiently.


I’m hunched over in the passenger seat now, eyes focused on the streets he’s taking. When I see a familiar street name, I slump back in the chair and run a tired hand across my forehead.


“He’s going to my house.”

Yolanda floors it in the direction of my home. The butterflies in my stomach are running wild as I type out another text.

I can see you, asshole. You better be ready because I’m tired of this shit.

I can practically hear him laugh when his next text comes through.

Keep that same energy when you pull up, mama.



“Hurry up, Yolanda, please!” I beg as she gets out of the car.

“Girl, it’ll only take a few minutes.” She closes the door and goes inside the gas station to pay.

I cross my arms over my chest and lean my head back against the headrest. I’m not going to throw a tantrum like a child, even though I have the strongest urge to hit the dashboard and scream right now.

We were almost there, then the ding of the fuel gauge rang out like a death knell.