Page 82 of Risking Immortality

“Do you really believe what you said?”

I shake my head. “No,” I whisper.

“I can’t imagine it felt good for Erin to hear you say those things.”

“What about when she has to say goodbye to her family?” I ask. My brain will just not let go of all the insecurities whirling around my body.

“You will get through it together. I know this is scary, Amelia. I know you want to push everything and everyone away because you think that’s what will keep you safe, but you’re wrong. Life is uncertain. There are no guarantees, but if you choose to push Erin away, you are guaranteeing her pain and your own.”

“I never want to hurt her.”

“Then stop running from her. Stop demanding answers and control. Be here, with her, through it all. Be her mate, the one she deserves, the one she fell in love with.”

Wrapping my arms around my father, I hold him tight. “Thank you.”

“Anytime, sweetie. That’s what I’m here for.”

“I can’t believe you’re going to be a daddy again,” I laugh through my tears. Whatever I’m going through, I feel it might be coming to an end. I just hope Erin will forgive me. I’m clearly not going to be an easy vampire to love. Who knew I had so many unknown issues I need to work through?

“Another Loch,” he laughs. “It’s going to be fun.”

“I hope we have that someday.”

“A child?”

“Yeah. One that looks like Erin. Gold hair and blue eyes. There’s enough lanky raven-haired vampires in this family already,” I chuckle.

“So I’m carrying our kid now?” Erin is standing in the hallway, smiling at me.

“I’ll leave you two to talk,” Father whispers. He passes Erin and kisses her on the cheek.

“Hey,” I say weakly.

“I was eavesdropping,” Erin states boldly. Should I be mad? I’m not, if anything, I’m relieved. “You’ve been holding a lot inside, my love, for a very long time, by the sounds of it.”

“I didn’t know I was the type to have a breakdown,” I smile shyly.

“Have you really been this scared all along?” Erin kneels in front of me, her chin rests on my lap as she looks up into my eyes.

“I have never felt this way about anything or anyone, Erin. All the uncertainty just got too much. I’ve finally found you, and so far, everything has pointed to me losing you. It’s painful to even contemplate.”

“I know the feeling, sweetie. The moment I learned what could happen to you if we didn’t mate was the worst thing I think I’ve ever had to hear.”

“But we mated. I’m not going to fall.”

“If you choose us, no, you won’t. Are you ready to do that? Face your fears and be with me? No matter what the outcome is on my birthday?”

Nodding, I take her face in my hands, gently urging her to her feet. Looking up into her angelic face, I know I have to stop letting my anxiety and negativity win. “I’ll be with you every step of the way. I choose you, Erin, always. I choose immortality with you, if that’s what you want. I’ll do anything for you, my love.”



“Make love to me, Amelia.”

There is nothing on this Earth I want more. I’ve been foolish, pushing Erin away when I know she is the only person in my life that can anchor me, make me believe everything will work out, that we really can have eternity together.

I remain sitting on the end of the bed. Opening my legs, I urge her to step between them. My hands gently grip her waist as I take her in. She is exquisite, and she is mine. Erin runs her hands through my hair, which sends tingles throughout my entire body. “Kiss me,” I whisper.