Page 61 of Risking Immortality

“Erin, we don’t know what’s going on inside your body.”

“No, we don’t, which is why Dr. Mendhi is going to do tests, but in the meantime I cannot stay bedbound.”

“It wouldn’t hurt you to rest.” Why is Erin not understanding? We have no idea why her body reacted the way it did to our bonding. Instead of being cautious, she wants to act like it’s no big deal.

“It will hurt my sanity,” she huffs. “Plus, we need to pack for Ireland.”

“Oh, I don’t think so. You’re staying here.” I’m expecting Erin to blow her lid at me. However, I’m confused and slightly scared when she laughs maniacally.

Hovering by the single seat armchair in the room’s corner, I shift from foot to foot. Erin continues to laugh, but now she’s throwing the duvet cover off herself. Planting her feet firmly on the floor, Erin rises in all her small glory. She’s still laughing.

Backing up, my legs hit the seat, causing me to sit. Erin approaches, her head shaking from side to side. The laugh is now a chuckle. “Oh, Amelia,” she begins. “I think we need to have a chat, my love.”

I swallow thickly.

“You may be used to getting your way. Being the boss of everyone is bound to have given you a bit of a God complex. However, let’s get one thing straight. You and me—we’re partners, equals in life. I’m happy to discuss things, listen to your opinion and compromise. That’s a normal thing a partner will do. What I will not do is let you dictate to me.”

“I’m not dic—”

“Yes, that’s what you just did, and I can understand because it came from a place of love and panic. But, Amelia, I’m my own keeper. I ultimately make my own decisions, for better or worse, I am responsible for me. Just as you are for yourself.”

“But Erin—”

“No buts. I’ve listened to you and taken your concerns into consideration. I have also listened to the licensed medical professional. He’s happy for me to get on with life, as am I. We are going to Ireland together because this affects me just as much as it does you, and like I said before, we are partners. If it makes you feel better, we can bring Dr. Mendhi along with us.”

“He’s useless,” I growl.

“No, he is not. Dr. Mendhi is the one who has the most to offer us right now. Build a bridge and get over this issue you have with him. Okay, so he should have said something about us bonding and the consequences. I think you scared him straight.”

“He risked your life.”

“He didn’t know for sure. But this is what I’m talking about, Amelia. We have bigger things to concentrate on. Put your anger aside. We have a plan and hopefully, when we’ve tracked this super old vamp down, we will have some answers.”

The whole time I have been sitting looking up at Erin tearing me a new one, I can’t help but fall more in love with her. Erin is so strong, much stronger than me. “I’m sorry, you’re right.”

“I know I am. Now, I’m going to shower, and then I’m going to pack for our trip.” It’s on the tip of my tongue to ask if I can join her, but then the flashback of Erin seizing and passing out floods my mind and I stop myself from speaking.

Oblivious to my thoughts, Erin heads to the bathroom attached to my room. She closes the door and I let my head fall into my hands. How am I ever going to make love to her again? How can I put her in that position? Dr. Mendhi has no idea if it could happen again. Hell, we’re guessing that the episode last night means that Erin and I bonded. Until I turn thirty, we can’t be sure.

“What’s with the doom and gloom?” Lucille asks from the door. I really need to start locking the fucking thing.

“Not now, Luce,” I say. I’m not in the mood to spar with her.

“I’m not here to bust your balls, Amelia. I came to see if Erin is okay.”

“She says she’s fine.”

“And you disagree?”

“Honestly, I have no clue. Dr. Mendhi says she is okay. Erin says she’s okay, but I’m the one that cradled her body in my arms as she seized. That’s not okay.”

Lucille pushes off the door and heads to the bed. Sitting on the end, she mirrors my pose. “I’m going to say something that you’re not going to like.”

“What a surprise,” I deadpan.

“Yes, but this time I’m not doing it to piss you off on purpose,” she grins. “The fact is, Amelia, you catastrophize everything. You see a situation, and instantly think negatively. I know you blather on that you’re just being realistic, but that’s bullshit.”

“It’s not,” I growl.