Page 59 of Risking Immortality

“Did you feel that?” she whispers.

“Erin, are you okay? Can you sit up?” Erin might look blissed out, but what just happened was not normal.

“I’m too tired,” she murmurs, her eyes sliding shut again.

“Shit,” I hiss, “Erin baby, I need to get the doctor.”


Snatching a t-shirt from my drawer and a pair of sweatpants, I tear from my room. I know the doctor is here somewhere. Slamming my fist on my parents’ door, I curse out loud.

“Amelia, what on earth—”

“Where’s Dr. Mendhi?”


“The doctor,” I choke.

“Guest wing.” My mother looks petrified, but I don’t have time to comfort her. The guest wing is at the other end of the house. I take off running as fast as my legs will carry me. There are several rooms allocated for guests, so instead of knocking on doors I scream his name. Seconds later, a bleary-eyed Dr. Mendhi rushes out of his room.

“Amelia, what’s wrong?”

“Erin, it’s Erin.”

I don’t wait to see if he’s following me. My thoughts are focused on getting back to Erin. My bedroom door is still open. Mother is kneeling by Erin’s side, brushing the hair off her face. Maybe I should have covered her up, but I didn’t think. I just panicked.

“Step aside,” Dr. Mendhi orders. “Amelia, tell me what happened.”

“We… we made love and Erin, she reacted… I don’t know, doctor. I think she seized.”

He checks her vitals. Minutes pass and I’m ready to pass out. What did I do to her? “Amelia, it’s going to be okay,” Mother says. I wish I could believe her.

“You don’t know that.” I sob.

Waiting is the worst. I just want to scoop her into my arms and make it all better. “Amelia,” Dr. Mendhi says, causing me to jump. “Did anything happen to you?”

All I can do is nod. “What’s happening, Doctor?” Mother asks sternly.

“They bonded,” he states. “I’m not sure of the consequences of that for Erin.”

“What the hell does that mean?” I roar.

“Amelia, this is the first time I have seen a human bond and survive.”

“You knew Erin might die if we bonded and you didn’t tell me?”

“I couldn’t know for sure.” I lunge for him. How could he not have warned me? I would never have slept with her, never have fallen in love. I would rather suffer a thousand deaths than see any harm come to Erin.

“Amelia,” my father roars. All I see is a red mist. My body is pulled away from the quivering doctor. I feel my dad’s strong arms trapping my own.

“Let me go,” I scream.

“Amelia, stop. This isn’t helping.”

“I swear, if Erin dies, I will come for you,” I seethe. The doctor’s eyes widen in fear. As they should.

The bedroom is suddenly a lot more crowded. My siblings are frantically trying to find out what is happening. It’s chaos, but then, amongst the noise, I hear her. My head snaps to Erin. her eyes are still closed, but I know she’s talking to me.