“Wow,” Erin scoffs.
“Will you hear me out?”
“Sure, go for it.” Erin stands with hands across her chest. This woman does not give one tiny fuck that she is surrounded by much larger vampires.
“Over the millennia, humankind has demonized us. So much so that we can’t live in the open as our true selves. My dislike for humans is out of fear and a need to protect my family. I know not every human is the same, and since meeting you, Erin, I know I have been shortsighted. I have behaved the way I accuse humans of behaving.
“When we held your birthday party, I didn’t even realize that most of the guests were human. It was only when Dana pointed it out I understood how silly I’d been to tar every human with the same brush. Sometimes I still get a flare of irritation, especially when I’m reminded of all the terrible things humans have said and done, but I’m sure you would, too, if our roles were reversed.”
“Probably,” Erin conceded.
“I don’t hate your kind, Erin. I just need some time to adjust and unlearn some things.”
“Fine, I’ll give you that, and I know humans are pretty shitty most of the time, but we’re not all bad.”
“I know,” I say softly, pulling her into a hug.
“Right, let’s cut the soppy shit and get back to it,” Lucille barks.
“I’m going to call Mohan,” my father announces. “I think we should prepare for a visit from the Grand Master.”
“I’ll cook,” Mother shouts excitedly.
“Victoria, we’re not hosting a soirée,” Father laughs.
“We might as well turn it into one, Harlan. It’s been ages, and what better way to introduce Erin to the elders?”
“Elders plural?” I ask.
“Why not? Mohan will need to consult them and the council. We might as well get it all over and done with in one fell swoop.”
“I’m ready,” Erin states.
“Of course you are, dear,” Mother coos. “You’re a Loch.”
As my father predicted, Mohan, the Grand Master, deemed it necessary to visit. My mother has been on Cloud Nine all week planning her soirée. It’s quite nice to see her relaxed and excited for a change.
In fact, everyone, including myself, is looking forward to a night of good food and drink. I can’t remember the last time I got dressed up. I’m very much looking forward to seeing Erin in a gown. Well, I think she’ll be in a gown. She’s so far forbidden me from looking at her outfit.
The house is adorned with Mother’s finest decorations. Caterers and waitstaff have been hired for the event. Every vampire in a hundred-mile radius has been invited. Erin didn’t flinch when she saw the guest list.
“Are you nearly ready?” Lucas asks from my door. Erin and I stayed at my parents’ house all this week. Considering we’ve all had our noses in books for most of the time, it made little sense to keep trekking back to Insomnia. Claire is back in charge. Erin convinced me to step back, knowing we need to concentrate on finding out as much information as possible about the possible vampire human mating told through stories of old.
I’m still not convinced the folktales hold any water, but I’ve held my tongue. I only upset Erin when I say something, and that’s the last thing I want to do.
“Almost,” I shout. The black jumpsuit looks great on me. It’s one of my favorite and sexiest outfits. My hair hangs down as usual, and I’ve gone full vamp goth on the eye make-up. “Is Erin down there already?”
“No, she’s holed up in Maria’s room. I think they’re pre-gaming if the giggles coming from the room are anything to go by.”
“Oh Jesus,” I laugh. Let them pre-game. As long as Erin is having fun, I don’t care. “What about Mohan? Do we have an ETA?”
“Twenty minutes. Father wants you to be downstairs waiting when he arrives.”
Donning my heels, I give myself one last look over before heading downstairs to the party. Music plays softly throughout the house. My mother and father look every bit the host and hostess. Lucille and Trent are already dancing together.
“Amelia, it’s good to see you,” Misha Limone says. Misha is the CEO of a large real estate company.