As exciting as that sounds, I’m a little disappointed. Erin moving in should be a celebration of our feelings, not a precaution for my health. “Sounds like a plan,” I reply with a smile.
“I know that look,” she chides. “I’m not simply moving in because of your health, Amelia. I want to be here with you. It feels right to be here.”
“Erin, you’re not responsible for me. You have to understand that. This, us, can’t be forced.”
“Do you think I’m lying about how I feel?” Erin’s eyes turn fiery. “Amelia, I might not have the primal instinct to find my soulmate like you, but that doesn’t mean my feelings are less. Regardless of all the bullshit, we found each other.”
“I’d love for you to move in, Erin. Nothing sounds better, I just don’t want to… I don’t know, I don’t want to mess up your life.”
“Amelia, you’re pissing me off.”
“What? Why?”
“You’re acting like my being with you isn’t my choice. It most definitely is. Actually, that I’m choosing to be with you should be an enormous fucking clue how I feel about you.”
Erin is now out of bed, standing with her hands on her hips, glaring at me. I do the wrong thing and smile because even though she’s seriously mad at me, I’m enamored by her passion.
“Are you actually laughing at me right now, Amelia Loch?” Lunging forward, I scoop her up and drag her back to bed. My mouth meets her neck and I kiss her all over. Erin’s fire is doused as she giggles under me.
“You’re right, I’m sorry, Erin. If you want to be here, I want that, too. I want everything with you. No more doubts. What you say goes.”
“Glad we got that sorted,” she mumbles into my neck. “Now,” she continues, pushing me back. “I wasn’t finished talking.”
“Sorry,” I laugh, holding my hands up in surrender. “Please go on.”
“Yes, as I was saying, I want to move in. As for us bonding, I don’t think we should rush it. I know there is a time limit, but like you said, it can’t be forced. I don’t want us spending every second worried that we’re not bonding. I also don’t want our sex life to become that either. When it happens, it happens.”
“Good. Now, as for today, we’re going back to your parents’ house for a family meeting.”
“Another one?” I groan.
“Yes, because there are way too many unanswered questions for my liking. We need to band together and come up with a plan of action.”
“You’re very sexy when you get all mistress on me, you know.”
“Ah, something you like, huh?”
“Very much.”
“Maybe I’ll show you my whip one day?” Erin winks at me. Whip? Is she being serious?
“Whip,” I cough.
“You’re so cute,” she giggles. “I’m going to take a shower. You can join me if you like?”
As if she needs to ask that!
Two fantastic orgasms later, we hop out of the shower, dry, and get dressed. I can’t believe I have to go to my parents’ house again. I don’t think we’ve ever spent so much time together.
We arrive and the house looks like a military war room. “What is this?”
“Erin called this morning and told us to get ready. This is us getting ready,” my father chuckles. The dining room table is cleared of all place settings. Books and scrolls are laid out meticulously. Each one with a member of the Loch family poring over them.
“Have you had breakfast?” Mother shouts over the din.
“I fed her up, Victoria,” Erin replies.