“Thank you,” I croak.
“Dr. Mendhi is waiting in the car. He’s been overseeing Amelia since she found Erin.”
“You experienced pain, I take it?” Barty asks knowingly. I just nod. “I remember that.”
“Me too, like it was yesterday,” Anya says, closing her eyes.
“Did you get to the coughing up blood phase?”
“Oh yes,” I laugh. “During Erin’s birthday party.”
“Oh my. I’m sure that caused quite a stir?”
“It wasn’t fun,” I laugh. Barty spends the next few minutes describing his side effects, and they are identical to my own.
“Did you know the bonding had been successful before you turned thirty? You look fabulous, by the way,” Erin says earnestly. To be fair, they are a striking couple for being a few thousand years old.
Anya grins. “It’s amazing what good face cream can do.”
Dr. Mendhi interrupts us entering the room. His eyes fixate on Barty and Anya. I can hear his scientific brain climaxing from here. My father introduces him and then allows Dr. Mendhi to discuss some tests he would like to perform. Barty and Anya agree to everything, which makes me so grateful I could cry.
“We insist you stay here,” Barty says once Dr. Mendhi has finished talking. “We have plenty of space and I’d very much like to get to know you all better.”
“That’s very gracious of you, Barty. We’d be delighted.” Father replies, shaking his hand.
Deciding that the good doctor’s test could wait until the morning, we continue to drink fine whisky. Hearing Barty and Anya’s stories is a little mind-bending. I can’t imagine living through the ages as they have. I’ve never met a vampire older than Mohan and he doesn’t really talk about his past. Probably because it was awful. I mean, can you imagine living through the Dark Ages? Medieval Times? No, thank you.
“I have to ask about the castle?” I say, my words are a little slurred. Damn, the whiskey is potent.
“What, don’t you like it?” Barty mock pouts.
“It’s very on-brand,” I laugh.
“It’s the first castle we’ve ever owned. I know it’s a little much considering we’re vampires, and it perpetuates all those ridiculous stereotypes.” I like Barty more and more. “But back in the day, Anya and I never got the chance to stay in a fancy castle. We were smart enough to stay out of the way. Public scrutiny was not something we wanted back then.”
“I can only imagine.”
“Indeed. Anyway, we ended up in Ireland a few decades ago, and this place was on the market. We snapped it up, renovated it, and have been happy ever since.”
“Why aren’t you famous?” Erin asks. “Aside from the fact you are super old—”
“Thanks,” Barty laughs.
“You’re the first vampire to successfully mate with a human.”
“Yes, but for nearly all vampires, that was just a myth. Anya and I just wanted to live our lives together. Bringing attention to the fact Anya was once a human would only invite questions. We didn’t want doctors banging on the door, wanting to prod and poke.”
My face heats. That’s exactly what we’ve done. “Barty,” I begin, but am quickly cut off.
“You being here is different. You’re not just asking for our help for curiosity’s sake, you’re living what we did. For that, we are more than happy to oblige.”
“I hope the doctor finds some answers,” Mother adds.
“Me too,” Barty supplies. “If there is anything in our bodies that can give the doctor a clue as to how this all works, I believe he will find it.”
“Would it be possible for Erin and me to talk to you alone after the doctor has finished his tests tomorrow?” There are things I want to ask them without my entire family being present. Plus, I don’t want Anya to feel as if she has to tell a bunch of strangers about something very private that happened to her.
“Yes, I think that’s wise. However, until tomorrow dawns, we drink!”