“I suppose I’m just psyching myself up for the trip. It’s never easy to travel with you lot,” he smirks. Marcus and I share a dislike of family trips, for the same reasons. We’re all adults and yet revert to adolescent assholes the moment we hang around each other for too long.
“Well, I’m trying to stop Erin from giving me death glares every five seconds, so mind if I sit with you for a while?”
“Ah, you’re being overbearing, right?”
“Can you blame me?”
“No, not at all. Honestly, Amelia, I’m not sure how I would have reacted if in your position.”
“Well, according to Erin, not well,” I chuckle.
“Has Dr. Mendhi done his check-up?”
“Yes, but only after Erin made me leave.”
Marcus laughs. “You scared the piss out of him, Amelia.”
“I wanted to rip his throat out.”
“He should have told you his theory or concerns. But let it be now. He’s here to help.”
“Mmm, something Erin also said.”
“Listen to her. There’s a reason she’s your mate.”
“What does that mean?”
“You’ve always needed someone to call you on your shit and not let you wallow. Erin is that person.”
A smile breaks across my face. I can’t help it. Every time I think of Erin and the fact that she is mine, I’m filled with overwhelming joy. “She is, which is why I’m giving her some breathing room. I pissed her off this morning.”
Marcus laughs again. “Shocking.”
“Yes, well, it wasn’t my finest moment. Fear is a great motivator to say and do stupid things.”
“It sure is. How are you feeling about Ireland?”
“I just hope it gives us what we want. Mohan only had an address. We might be disappointed by what we find. Erin is upbeat about it—”
“But you’re not feeling so chipper?”
“Exactly. Nothing about this mating has been easy. Why should it start now?”
“Because the universe owes you one,” he smiles. “If the vamp has moved on, we’ll do everything in our collective power to find him, Amelia.”
This is what Lucille was lecturing me about this morning. I don’t know why the idea of my family’s help puts me on the back foot, but I have to stop resisting and accept it. “I know you will, and I love you all for it.” The sound of Aliah hitting a high note off-key makes us both wince.
“Even when you have to put up with that?” Marcus jokes.
“They invented valium for a reason,” I laugh. We fall silent for a few minutes. “What do you think happened to Erin?” I ask quietly. Marcus has spent more time than all of us studying scrolls and texts. He’s also learned as much as he can about our physiology and the change that occurs after mating.
He blows out his cheeks. “It’s really hard to say. I’m sure Dr. Mendhi has his theories.”
“What are your theories?”
“We know that a vampire’s soul actively searches and bonds with its mate. As far as we know, a human soul doesn’t work the same way, but it’s my guess that for whatever reason, and I really don’t know how or why, but Erin’s soul was almost… what’s the word… activated? Awoken? I think her body reacted to her soul reaching out to yours.”
My gut is telling me he’s on the right track. I need to talk to Erin again. After last night, I was far too worked up to fully understand what she felt. My chin is cradled in my hand, which is resting on the fold-down armrest. “Mm, I think you’re right.”