I wanted to tell him to fuck off and never even think about speaking of Teagan like that again, but I wasn't looking for a fight. Pacing the terrace in the dark, I bit my tongue and kept my tone even. "It was a misunderstanding. I want to make things right so we can all go on with our lives."

Paulie hesitated, and then laughed, low and sarcastic. "Ah, is that how it is? Well, I don't know how you can help me. You're retired from being a hitman, right? So even if there was a job I needed you to take to make things even, you couldn't do it."

Fuck, I didn't want to get blood on my hands again. But then I had thought of Teagan, waiting in my bedroom, and knew that I’d do whatever it took. "I'm sure we can work something out. I don’t think I’m that rusty.”

I could almost hear the grin in Paulie's voice. "Okay, sure. There’s a weasel in my midst, one of our low-level drug runners that I just happened to discover is a police informant. If you take care of that little problem, then I will make sure cousin Walt forgives and forgets about your little restaurant altercation. Does that work for you, Mr. Terrazas?"

"Works for me."

"Excellent. So here's what I'm going to need from you…"

He had told me about the mark and how the man was close by, so the job could be done in a night. I had left Teagan without even telling her I was leaving, assigning extra security to the house, driving through the night with a gun on my hip and a garrote wire in my pocket.

I killed the man in his bed, one bullet in the head with my silenced pistol. Now it was done, the mark dead, and any imaginary debt I owed to Paulie Delvecchio wiped away.

Back in the present, I pick up my phone again and send a quick text to Ian, letting my old friend know that everything is taken care of and to let me know if shit goes belly up with Ricky. My son can come back whenever the hell he wants at this point, though.

Teagan is mine, and we’re connected so strongly that whatever sad excuse for dating the two of them did is meaningless. I think about my grandmother’s diamond wedding ring in the safety deposit box down at the bank and smile.

Soon enough.

When I walk back into the house, I find Teagan standing on the balcony of my bedroom—our bedroom now—staring at the view of Lake Michigan. She's dressed and has a cup of coffee in her hand, but her hair is messy and there are marks all over her neck. My marks. It makes something feral inside me howl like a beast, loving the visual reminder of my claim on her.

She smiles at me, and I pull her into my arms. "Come on, doll. Let's get out of the house. I'm taking you somewhere."

She groans. “I really wouldn’t mind if you wanted to stay in. I’m pretty beat.”

"Hell no." Leaning back, I pinch her chin lightly between my thumb and forefinger and smirk at her. "After a performance like that, my girl deserves some pampering. Maybe a new wardrobe or a diamond necklace."

Teagan’s eyes go round. "Oh Tobias, I?—"

My finger goes from her chin to her lips, shushing her. "Shut your pretty little mouth, doll. I’m going to spoil you, and you’re going to like it."

Her eyes go dreamy, and her voice is soft as she says, "Okay. That sounds wonderful."

"I know it does." I give her round ass a quick squeeze before taking her hand in mine, pulling her forward. "Now let's go."



Two Months Later

Dozing in a lounge on the terrace, still in my bikini from the sailboat jaunt Tobias took us on this morning, I sense my man hovering over me seconds before his mouth pressed against mine.

Sighing contentedly, I loop my arms around his neck and let him deepen the kiss as the seconds pass, humming in pleasure as his tongue sweeps inside. Tobias ends the kiss by nipping my bottom lip, but instead of pushing things further, he stands up straight, leaving me right where I’m lying.

"Hey." I pull my sunglasses down to look up at him. "I thought that was going somewhere."

He raises an eyebrow. "Greedy little thing, I think I gave you plenty out on the water."

Even after staying with him for over two months now, I still blush a little thinking about what he just did to me. "Oh, fine. Where are you going, then?"

He shoves his hands in his pockets. "I have to head into the office for a few hours. The chef is making you a late lunch, but I won’t be able to stay. But we can make up for lost time tonight."

"Promise?" I let my voice go deep and sultry.

"Fuck yes, I do." He kisses me one more time, groaning as he pulls back. "You’re hard as hell to leave, you know that?"