We're led to a private booth in the back of the restaurant. As we pass through, I see the curious and admiring looks thrown our way, but no one says a word. Of course, they won't. They know better than to talk to me or interrupt my date.

"Your waiter will be with you momentarily. I hope you enjoy your evening." The host smiles.

"I'm sure we will." Teagan isn’t even looking at the host, though. She’s looking at me with stars in her eyes. Again, I’m sure I’d burn the whole city to the ground to make her look at me like this.

The waiter arrives in a hurry, handing us both menus and taking our drink orders before practically running away. He watches me the entire time, his mouth pressed in a thin line. He must be one of the servers who waited on me back when I was meeting with dangerous work associates. Poor bastard.

"This place is amazing," Teagan says, interrupting my thoughts.

"I'm glad you like it. It's one of my favorites."

"Thank you for sharing it with me." She smiles, reaching across the table to take my hand in hers.

Her fingers are warm against my own, her smile bright enough to light up the room. I can't help but return the grin. I don’t deserve a second of her time, but I’ll be damned if I’ll give her up now that I have her.

"So, what do you recommend?" Teagan asks.

"I'm partial to the salmon," I answer, looking over the menu. "But everything here is excellent."

"Well, I'm definitely in the mood for seafood." Teagan folds her menu and doesn’t even bother looking at it, her trust in me implicit. "I don’t want anything too heavy."

I order for us, and we settle into easy conversation while we eat, enjoying the food and each other's company.

"So, tell me about yourself, Mr. Terrazas." Teagan takes a bite of her salmon, chewing slowly. "All I know is that you have an impressive collection of art and, um…" She looks around to make sure that the private room we’re in is still empty. "That you like it when I’m obedient."

"Sounds like you've already seen the most important things there are to know." I raise an eyebrow, watching as she makes herself blush, thinking about what we were doing at the side of the road just an hour ago. "But I like it when you misbehave too, Teagan. Punishing you has already proven to be one hell of a time."

Teagan giggles but quickly gets a hold of herself. “Oh, stop! I want to know something else about you, Tobias.”

"I'm rich," I joke, smirking.

She laughs, rolling her eyes. "Oh come on. That’s not interesting, and you are not that shallow."

"No, I'm not," I agree. "But seriously, the best thing about me lately is that you’re in my life, doll, and that I get to take care of you."

She blushes, biting her bottom lip. "Tobias."

"It's the truth, baby. I'm not a nice man. I have a shady past and an even shadier present. But the one thing I know for certain is that I want you." I don’t add that I intend to have her forever, not wanting to push her over the edge into nervousness when we’re having such a good time.

"I feel the same way about you," she confesses, her cheeks flushing.

"That's good to know."

The rest of the evening passes quickly with the two of us getting lost in conversation.

I pay the check, and we leave the restaurant, arm in arm. Teagan leans into me, a contented smile on her face.

"That was the best dinner I've ever had," she sighs.

"Funny, you said that last night." I laugh, giving her a quick pat on the ass that makes her jump and giggle. "I might be spoiling you. Which I intend to do, anyway."

As we step outside, the night air is crisp and cool. There's a slight breeze, and the sky is clear, filled with stars. It's perfect.

"Would you like to go for a walk?" I offer.

"I'd love to."

We walk along the street, heading nowhere in particular. There's a comfortable silence between us, and the sounds of the city echo around us. After a while, Teagan turns to me, her expression serious.