That can’t matter, not if I am going to stay set on the path of keeping her. Plus, she didn’t seem too thrilled with Ricky anyway, so maybe she didn’t let him close enough for any of that.

I’m probably worrying about nothing. Ricky is soft, cocky with nothing to back it up. For me, though, I can put my money where my mouth is. My money or my fist. Whatever fits the situation better.

Fathers aren’t supposed to go around knocking their sons out, I guess, but maybe a one-off wouldn’t be the end of the world. It might make me an asshole, but the thought makes me chuckle.

The road winds around the lake for miles and miles, and finally, my home comes into view. I didn’t have this one purpose-built but bought the huge historical home on a whim when I decided to settle down right outside the city. It had taken a fair amount to modernize the whole thing. It’s far away from anyone else, which was the number one priority for someone retiring from my life of work, and the view was just a perk.

With a small, discrete household staff, it should have been the perfect place to settle down and live the rest of my life in peace. Still, I felt like there was something missing, and I didn’t know what the hell it was until I saw Teagan in the diner that morning.

Now the house, full of top-of-the-line appliances, electronics, and everything else, doesn’t feel right, and I don’t think it will until I bring Teagan in the door to keep. Parking the car, I pocket the key and stride into the front door, mind already making plans of how exactly I’m going to navigate this shitshow that I’ve found myself in. It isn’t my first, and I’m sure it won’t be the last, but it might be the most important one I ever have to handle.

Pacing on the terrace, phone pressed against my ear, I've got an old business associate on the line. Another former hitman, now working as the head of a weapon customization company specializing in after-market parts and alterations for handguns and rifles. We didn't work for the same families, but we’re friendly enough, so I hope this call doesn't completely burn that bridge for me. Even retired, the lot of us are a dangerous group.

"Listen, I just need you to call my son and act like you're offering him a job. A new storefront. In San Francisco," I tell him.

Ian laughed. "You're acting like you're asking to borrow twenty bucks or something, not a complicated scheme to get your entitled brat out of the state for a few weeks."

I grunt. "I'll pay for the hotel he'll be at, just give him some busy work scouting out locations or whatever the fuck you want. Tell him you knew me from years ago and heard through the grapevine that my son was a business major. It will make his head so big he won't be able to resist."

"Yeah, fine, I'll do it. You said you'll provide the security for the next showcase we have?"

Relief makes me exhale before I answer. "For sure, man. I appreciate it."

Hanging up, I cross my arms and look over the lake. So, that's the first step in seducing Teagan—making sure Ricky will be far away and unable to interrupt us again. The next hurdle is going to be the diner. If she works as much as she says she does, then there's barely any time for her to spend with me.

Damn, I want her so fucking badly that having any patience at this point seems impossible. So how the hell am I going to get her away from that pathetic greasy spoon so I can show her how good life can really be? She's still probably naive to a lot of things, but I plan on spoiling her as much as I possibly can on the way to making her mine for good.

An idea hits me. I could buy the place, shut it down for renovations, and then be there when she starts to worry about money during her time off. It's risky because I can't imagine she'd be thrilled if she found out, but it seems like almost the perfect solution. With the right timing, it would force her into my hands and keep her there for at least a few days. Maybe by the end of the week, I can get her into bed with me.

My phone vibrates, and I see a text from Ian. He always did make quick work of any job he was given, and I guess this is no exception.

"It's done, but your son is a fucking idiot. No offense."

Laughing, I send him back a thumbs-up emoji.

"None taken."

Dropping into one of the outdoor lounges, I kick my feet up and laugh to myself. Ah, Ricky, you little shit. Hope you have a good time out in sunny California on a wild fucking goose chase for a store that's never going to exist.

Buying a diner, then. I'll have to pass the place off to some other moron as soon as I have Teagan well and fully seduced, but for now, I've got to get things going. I scroll through my contacts and find the acquisitions manager for my own security company, grinning as I think how this is going to be one of the weirdest fucking jobs I'll ever give him. Oh well. I pay all of my employees enough to not ask questions. Tapping the contact, I listen to the phone ring, ready to get this part done, too.

I think I will have a drink before bed. I've got a waitress to see bright and early, and whether she knows it or not, it's going to be the first day of the rest of her life. Teagan opened up that door when she showed her interest in me, and there's no closing it now.

The diner is just starting to empty out, and the night shift is just coming on when I walk in. It's not the same waitress as last time. This one is older, with her blonde hair cut into a severe bob and tired, bored eyes.

"A table for one, sir?"

"I'll actually just have a coffee. Can you have Teagan come take my order? It's a personal matter."

She frowns but nods. She's not the first waitress to try and intercept me before Teagan can—they must know about the huge tips I leave—but I don't give a damn. It's Teagan and no one else that I want. No one else could make me look forward to bland food and burnt coffee.

Sipping the steaming cup of weak liquid, I'm glad to see that the place is emptying out, even though the clock says it's only just after nine. Guess that's the advantage of having the town's only diner be open twenty-four hours.

I feel my heart slam into my ribcage as Teagan walks through the double doors to the kitchen, and a grin spreads across my face. She looks beautiful as always, but I can tell that she's exhausted. There are bags under her eyes, and her skin has a sallow tint to it like she hasn't seen the sun in months. I can't stand seeing her in this shithole. I want her to be mine, but it's going to have to wait a few more days until I can have everything put together.

"What's the special today, doll?" I ask.

She sighs, her shoulders drooping as she approaches. "Just a cheeseburger. But we've had a ton of cooks calling out sick so it's going to take a while."