Slowly, I wind the makeout session down to smaller kisses and separate our now-smashed together bodies. When I see her face and the way her lips are swollen from kisses and her pupils blown wide with lust, I almost dive back in.

I know that if I do, I won’t be able to stop, and I have to have some fucking patience. It’s a word I’m barely familiar with, but for Melody, I’ll learn.

She blinks slowly and utters a surprised, “Wow,” which makes me smile despite everything else.

“Are we bad people?” she adds, and my smile disappears. “I mean, Adam…”

“Fuck Adam,” I growl, and she seems stunned. “He’s a grown man, and it’s not my fault if he couldn’t be what you need. I can.”

“I just…” she starts, but I’m not hearing this right now. Not when I finally got her to touch me of her own volition.

“Enough, Melody. We’re not talking about Adam when we’re together, do you understand? What’s happening between you and me is private, and I don’t need to be reminded about my freeloading son when I’m with you. Understand?”

Some of the tension leaves her shoulders. Telling her to drop the subject completely has freed Melody in a way, I think. It’s taken away any reason she has to feel guilty.

I search her face, seeing the dark circles under her expressive eyes and the way she sways toward me. I probably shouldn’t have woken her from her nap because she still looks exhausted. I’m sure recovering from the life she’s been living is going to take some time.

What I want to do is carry her to my room, put her in my bed, and not let her leave until she’s totally refreshed. I want to feed her with my fingers and pleasure her until she falls into a restful sleep. Damn, it’s so fucking hard not to push her, knowing that I know exactly what she needs better than she does.

“Let’s skip formal dinner tonight,” I tell her. “I’ll have food sent to your suite.”

“You don’t want to have dinner together?” Melody sounds a little hurt, and I curse internally.

I can’t fucking tell her that I need some space because the longer I spend close to her, the closer I am to pushing her boundaries. She’s so warm and soft and willing that I can almost feel what it would be like to slide into her.

Fuck fuck fuck. I have to get some space to breathe or I’m going to rush everything. I’m too old to be acting like a horny teenager right now.

“I do,” I tell her, trying to sound reassuring. “I just have a few more things to do for work. But we'll have breakfast together, sweetheart. Promise.”

There’s doubt in her expression, but she pins a smile on. “Okay. I understand.”

I almost kiss her goodbye, but I think it will be the thing that breaks the last string holding me back from claiming her completely.

I leave Melody in the solar and, with a single-minded intensity, rush to my suite and into the shower. I crank the water as hot as it will go—hopefully hot enough to cleanse these desires I’m having such a hard time resisting, even if just for a few hours.

Stripping as fast as I can, I throw my clothes onto the heated tile floor and bolt into the water, turning my face to the spray. The rainfall shower head doesn’t give me the intense pressure I need, but the heat and the water making it hard to breathe at least lets me focus on just existing.

It’s no use, though. I can’t burn, or drown, Melody out of me. Resigned, and with no other options, I reach down and grab my cock in my fist and start to work it, my other hand fisted on the wall.

I hang my head low, stroking, Melody occupying every single thought. Her ass in those yoga pants, her tongue on mine, the little sounds she made as I kissed her. She’s fucking irresistible, and just out of my reach. Not for long though…not for long.

I let my mind play out the situation if I had pushed her back onto the couch in the solar. I imagine stripping her top off and burying my face in her tits, sucking her nipples till she’s frantic.

Working my way down her belly, rolling her pants down her long, long legs, and licking a searing swipe over her panty-covered pussy. I can just imagine how she would taste—like honey and sunshine, the complete opposite of the snow-covered world outside.

When I think about pulling her panties aside and tasting her fully, my cock jumps in my hands, and I cover the tile wall with my seed. Clenching my teeth, I ride out the orgasm, feeling unsatisfied but finally able to think coherently. It’s going to be a long fucking night, I just know it.



I’m up past midnight…again.

Sleep is impossible to find, so now I’m just sitting here, in one of the only places where I feel truly comfortable, thinking about what my next move should be.

My thoughts are pierced by a knock on my office door, and I freeze. My staff knows better than to bother me when the door is shut, and there’s no one else in the house.

No one but Melody. Fuck. Does she have zero sense of self-preservation? Doesn’t she know what she’s doing to me?