Eleven-year-old Hannah jumps up and down and claps her hands while the eight-year-old twins hold their mother’s hands and spin her in a circle until Haley is dizzy and laughing. The twins spin her into my arms, and I catch her dutifully, kissing Haley soundly while the giggles of our children and the cheers of the locals gathered for the opening surround us.

Alex isn’t here today, still living back in Seattle, but we all settled our differences about eight years ago. My son got his shit together, found himself a good woman, and is becoming the man I always knew he could be. We’ve spent the last few Christmases together as one big family, and while it was awkward at first, things are better than I could have hoped now.

I don’t know what I did to deserve this perfect life, but I’ll never give it up.

The bookstore, Haley’s Haven, has been years in the making, and no one is more excited for Haley than her daughters. My wife’s mother has come for the grand opening too, and when she gets a look at Haley and me having our moment, she takes the kids inside the store to look around while I take this private moment to soak everything in.

Haley gazes up at me with adoration. “I can’t believe it’s finally happening.”

“You’ve worked hard for this, angel. Is it everything you hoped for?”

She nods emphatically. “Yes, definitely. It’s our legacy, you know. We can leave it to the girls, keep it in the family forever.”

I smirk. “Well, things might get complicated once we have three or more kids, you know.”

Haley guffaws. “You’re crazy, Hugh Harvey.”

“Crazy about one thing, that’s for sure.” I let my hands slide down her back until I can grab her ass, and she jumps, swatting at me for copping a feel out in public. As if I could ever be discouraged from touching my hot-as-fuck wife. Just thinking about her pregnant again with my child makes me stiffen, and I have to shift so I don’t make it obvious.

Haley is curvier than ever, and I can’t get enough of her. I see a shadow in her happy gaze, though, as she wiggles out of my grip. “People are watching, Hugh.”

“So?” I try to pull her back against me, and she groans even as she gives in.

Her voice is small as she says, “I’m…well, a little self-conscious. You know…the baby weight has sort of stuck around.”

Now I kiss her in full, trying my damndest to drive away any idea she may have about being anything less than fucking perfect. When I pull away, leaving her looking starry-eyed and a few onlookers whistling, I lower my voice so only she can hear me.

“Haley, you’re more goddamn gorgeous than ever. These curves drive me absolutely insane…” I slide my hands down her body to prove my point, shifting so she can feel how hard she makes me by simply existing. Her eyes go wide and full of desire. “In fact, I like that I can be a little rougher with you now, knowing that you won’t break. I can fuck you as hard as I want.”

The last few words I whisper directly in her ear, and Haley shivers. “You’re unbelievable,” she laughs. “We’re in public.”

“Hmm. Maybe. But I mean every word of it.”

Still blushing after eleven years together, Haley extricates herself from my grasp but takes my hand instead, pulling me towards the bookstore. “Come on, Dr. Harvey, let’s go and see our new bookstore before you get us arrested for public indecency.” A smile pulls at her mouth as she looks over her shoulder and gives me a quick wink. “You can tell me more tonight, okay?”

Love for my wife and desire burn in me like wildfire. “Absolutely. And that’s a fucking promise, Mrs. Harvey.”

The End.