Green’s face twists in spiteful fury. “So you fuck one girl in her twenties and you think you’re hot shit, huh?”

It’s taking everything in me not to kick his ass right here and now, but seeing how much my life makes him jealous is satisfying in its own way. Plus, I know there are security cameras all over this damned hospital, and if I can get him to throw the first punch, it will be all too easy to take him down with me. “Ha. I know what kind of man I am, Green. How about you? Worried you won’t ever get anyone to fuck you before you lose all your hair?”

The insult works perfectly, and he lunges at me with a strangled yell of rage. Green swings up towards my face with his fist, but he moves almost in slow motion, and my perfectly aimed hit takes him right in the jaw. The smaller man stumbles back, blood trickling between his lips as he hits the wall and slides down, looking dazed. I laugh again, unable to help myself. God, hitting him felt so fucking good. I’ve been wanting to do that since the first moment I met the motherfucker.

Leaving the other man groaning on the ground, I stalk out of the hospital, glad that the neurology wing is almost empty of other people at this time of the evening. I have a date to plan and a letter of resignation to write.

Then, tomorrow, I have a woman to seduce and a future to map out with her.



Ithink I’m losing my mind.

I know that I worked a shift last night and that yesterday afternoon, I went to the hospital to see Hugh and was confronted by Alex. Plus all the things that happened once we were outside behind the hospital. But all of these things don’t seem real today as I try to mentally prepare for what’s coming tonight.

Everything feels like it’s happened to a different person and I’m just an observer. There’s no way that I, Haley Lyons, would be getting ready to go to a man's house tonight to lose my virginity, right? A man who’s twenty years older than me and also my ex’s dad? The idea is just too wild. Yet, here I am, doing exactly that.

There have been a million chances for me to back out and just chalk up the time I spent with Hugh as just fun fling. I could have talked to my friends at work. I could have told him that I wasn’t interested in more, but I didn’t do any of those things. Because the truth is that I really, really want everything he’s so clearly offering me.

At 6:30 pm, I’m done getting ready, and I look around my cheap studio apartment, confirming that mentally, I’m ready for all of this. It’s hard to believe, here among all my second-hand furniture and eclectic pieces of decoration that I’m going to spend the night in a doctor’s opulent home. I’m excited. Nervous but excited.

Checking my appearance in the mirror one more time, I nod, grab the overnight bag I packed myself, and head downstairs to where the car Hugh sent is waiting on me. Hugh never gave me a concrete answer on how to dress for the night, only telling me that we’re staying in at his place. So I went with a soft, cream-colored dress that brushes my knees, layering a navy sweater over it to combat the unpredictable weather. Today is nice, though, and the sun is shining as it sets.

The car is on the curb just like Hugh said it would be. It’s a blacked-out sedan, way different than the Honda Civic-types that pick me up when I splurge on an Uber instead of taking public transport. The driver greets me briefly but stays silent otherwise, leaving me to mull over what the night holds for me.

I’ve second-guessed myself a million times, but this thing with Hugh is the first thing I’ve felt passionate about in so long. He lights some sort of fire in me that has been missing. Hugh makes me feel like life is in living color again. More than that, I like his bossy side. I’ve been living on my own for so long, I didn’t realize how good it feels to have someone else take control. Someone else worrying for me. Someone else looking after me, making sure I’m alright and safe.

So what if I barely know him and getting so attached so quickly is foolish? I believe in fate, and I’m choosing to believe it’s what is leading me to him right now.

I step out of the car once we reach Hugh’s and approach the door. He opens it before I can even raise my hand to knock, greeting me with a kiss and his hands on my hips as he guides me inside. I smell something delicious cooking, and Hugh laughs when I turn my head toward the kitchen to see what the source of the scent is.

“I cooked for you,” he admits, hooking his thumbs in the pocket of his jeans. Combined with a dark green fisherman’s sweater, Hugh looks even more handsome in his casual clothes than he does in his doctor's coat. “I hope you like Italian.”

There’s untenable heat simmering between us, the knowledge of what’s to come, but Hugh keeps himself in check, and I follow his lead. I know if I asked, he would skip dinner completely and drag me to the bedroom, but this is a slow seduction. I think. And he’s put a lot of effort into it.

So we keep our hands to ourselves and have dinner at his dark wooden dining table, sharing a bottle of deep red wine and delicious chicken parmesan. The wine is enough to warm my belly and make my thoughts a little fuzzy at the edges, but not enough that I’d consider myself tipsy. Which is perfect. Something tells me I’m going to want to be able to remember everything in perfect detail.

We don’t talk about the hospital, Alex, or anything that might bring a negative air to the evening. Instead, Hugh is easygoing and eager to learn about me. I’m shy, holding back details of my boring life at first, but he’s so interested that I open up bit by bit. Once the wine bottle is empty, I feel more comfortable with him than I would have thought possible.

“Sweet Haley,” Hugh starts, leaning over the table and taking my hands, his thumbs running across my knuckles. “I have two options for you. We can open another bottle of wine and have dessert, or I can take you to the blankets I’ve laid out in front of the fireplace.”

My heart rate kicks up immediately, and I suck in a breath. I feel like I can’t answer, like my mouth won’t open, and apparently, that’s answer enough for Hugh. He lets go of my hands and stands, stalking around the table until he makes it to me, grabbing my chin with his thumb and forefinger and making me look into his eyes.

“Stand up,” Hugh demands, and I do so eagerly. I want him to be in control. I don’t want to worry or to second guess. Once I’m on my feet, he drags me into a searing kiss that has all my worries starting to fall away. I melt into his body, letting his tongue surge into my mouth and tangle with mine as he sweeps me into his arms. “Fireplace, then,” he tells me quietly, breaking the kiss only long enough to speak.

He’s moved the furniture in his living room to accommodate blankets and pillows, making a haven for the two of us in front of the roaring fire. Hugh’s strength is incredible, and he sinks to his knees without even a second of hesitation, gently laying me on the soft bed of blankets and looking down at me with hungry eyes.

“This is the only time I’m going to ask you, sweetheart. You want me to fuck you, Haley?”

I’m already so worked up at the possibility that all I can do is nod. Hugh grins, his expression dangerous as he jerks his sweater over his head and throws it aside. The firelight plays over his bare, broad chest and rough-hewn features, and I just have time to run my hands over his muscles before he’s bracketing my head with his forearms on the ground.

Hugh crushes his mouth to mine, parting my lips with his tongue and sweeping inside until I’m breathing hard before he moves to my jawline. He’s heavy on top of me, and all I can see is him. The entire world has closed in, and now it’s just the two of us. Hugh tries to be gentle, but there’s an edge to the way he touches me that lets me know he’s holding back.

When he lifts up enough to start to pull my sweater over my head, I rise to help him. “I love this dress, angel,” he murmurs against the shell of my ear, “but I want it gone, too.”

He rises to his knees and I sit up too, grabbing the hem of my dress and pulling it over my head with shaky hands. I own a single matching bra and panty set, pink lace, and I made the conscious choice to wear them tonight. I know I made the right choice when Hugh’s pupils blow wide, lids lowering when I toss the dress aside. He unabashedly palms his erection through his pants and drags his eyes over every inch of me.