My eyebrows draw together. “But–”

“No buts. No arguing. I’m running you another bath and then you’re going back to bed for a few hours to recover.”

I try to wiggle out of his arms. “Hugh, I’m not a child. I can make my own decisions on when I need to sleep!”

“You,” he lowers his face to mine, kissing me fiercely before continuing, “are not going to argue with me. Understand? You’re in my domain right now, sweetheart, and you’re going to listen.”

I want to argue, but on the other hand…I’m pretty tired, and giving myself over to his care has a draw I didn’t expect. “Okay…okay. But I’m going home tonight.”

His mouth quirks. “We’ll see about that, sweet Haley.”



She’s a fucking virgin.

Some part of me already knew it somehow. But coming across concrete proof of it with my face between her legs and her sweet honey all over my face is something totally different than just being told.

I should probably feel a little guilty for not stopping when I found out, but fuck it. She wanted it, I wanted it, and she was begging me to keep going. So I gave her what she wanted, and soon enough, I’m going to give her even more than that.

The thought makes me instantly hard, and I have to adjust myself underneath my scrub pants, pulling my doctor’s coat in front of my legs. I can’t stay hard at work all the time, but now that Haley is in my life, it’s hard not to be. She affects me like nothing else.

I hate that she won’t be at my place when I get off work tonight. I saw her leave on the security camera a few hours after I did this morning, and while it pissed me off to think that she might not be sleeping under my roof again after two nights of being with me, I am also aware that I’m skirting the edge of pushing her too hard.

After making her come on my kitchen counter, I made Haley go back to bed for a few hours and rest her exhausted body. When she got up a few hours later, I got us takeout and we ate in front of my enormous television on the couch, and once the to-go boxes were empty, she snuggled up to me and fell asleep again. Poor thing, she’s had a strange few days. Not that I regret putting her through her paces with my mouth and tongue.

God, I have to get my mind out of the fucking gutter or I’m not going to get an ounce of work done.

Today is a normal workday for me in the neurology department, so there isn’t the rush that comes with my monthly ER shift. As I’m logging information, one of the other doctors in the department sidles up next to me and leans against the wall. It’s Dr. Green, one of the last people in the entire hospital that I ever want to talk to because, frankly, he annoys the hell out of me. Short, pudgy, and carrying an overly confident attitude, he’s just the type of person I tried to avoid in medical school—only in the field for the praise and the money.

“Have a good day off, Harvey?” he asks, crossing his arms.

I only grunt, not bothering to look up from my computer.

“Because it wasn’t scheduled, which made things hard for me, having to pick up your slack.”

Now he doesn’t even get a grunt. I wish he would go the fuck away.

Of course, he continues. “But you know what was weird? Your son came in twice looking for you. I thought he might vomit on the floor when the secretary let it slip that you had taken a sick day.”

This catches my attention, but I don’t give him any indication of it. I don’t want to talk to Green, but I do need to know if Alex is hovering around the hospital. My days here might be numbered by my own choice, but it still doesn’t look great for me if my son is being a creep around patients.

I stand up and push past Green, hitting him with my shoulder as I go. The secretary looks like a deer in headlights when I approach her, but she is more than happy to tell me about Alex’s two visits. The more she says, the more pissed off I am. I’m going to have to shut this shit down with him before it gets out of hand. I had hoped to break the news about Haley belonging to me in every way slowly and easily to my son, but if he is going to keep pushing every boundary, then I’m going to just have to tell him.

I try to return to work as usual, putting my son and all the problems he’s about to cause me from my mind, but Dr. Green Won’t. Let. It. Go. He finds me every time I try to take a second to myself, questioning me on why I’m ignoring my son and why he would be so desperate to look for me here. I swear that if it wouldn’t get me fired, I’d knock his teeth down his throat.

“Green…” I growl when he manages to corner me in the breakroom again. “If you don’t leave me the fuck?—”

“Dr. Harvey?” The quiet voice of my secretary interrupts me in the breakroom doorway. “You’ve got someone here to see you at the front desk.”

My stomach drops. I don’t want to have this confrontation right now. Later, sure, but now…

Green gives me a smug look, but the secretary quickly adds, “It’s a woman!” and the other doctor’s face falls.

Meanwhile, a smile appears on mine. There’s only one woman that could be here to see me, and I’m more than happy to see her, too. Under normal circumstances, I’d be on guard seeing a former patient intimately, but Haley was in the ER. Far from the neurology department. No one here will recognize her.

Once again, I shoulder Green aside (I might enjoy it a little bit too much) and stalk through the halls to the front desk lobby. Haley is there, waiting for me, a drink carrier with two large cups of coffee in her hands.