Shit. Something is off. That girl deserves better, and I’d do anything to make sure she gets it—if only that were an option.

Devin finally reaches me and tugs me toward where he has left Kasey. “There you are, old man! I thought I lost you again. Come meet Kasey.”

No excuse comes to my lips. What can I possibly say? “Sorry, son, I’m not interested in meeting your girlfriend because every time she looks at me, I want to fuck her into next week?”

Yeah, that probably won’t go over well.

So, in seconds, she’s right in front of me. More than a foot shorter than I am, Kasey has to tilt her chin up to look at me, and once more it feels like all the air has been sucked out of the room. Damn everything to hell…how did Devin manage to land the only woman on Earth who I’ve ever had this sort of connection with?

“Dad, this is Kasey. Kasey, Dad.” There is a rushed note to Devin’s voice like he’s anxious to get all the formalities out of the way and go back to having Kasey for himself.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Kasey,” I introduce myself, nodding. I consider kissing her hand, desperate to drag my lips across her knuckles, but I’m afraid that once I get any sort of taste, there will be no stopping me.

“A pleasure to meet you too,” she replies, and her soft voice unfurls something in my chest—something like primal hunger. She’s nervous and normally, I won’t give a fuck, but it’s her. Her. Possessiveness roars through me, making me want to protect her, shield her from everything, and… Make. Her. Mine.

We chat for a few minutes, and there’s a connection building between us. I can't explain it, but I’ve learned that some things in life must be experienced without too much questioning. This is one of those things.

The conversation is supremely surface level, with Devin losing interest as soon as the introduction is made. I’ve barely said a few dozen words to each of them before they’re moving on. I watch her walk away, admiring the way her ass sways with each step. I know I have to have her…if my son separates from her for any reason at all, I'll do whatever it takes to make her mine. Only my loyalty to my family is keeping me from doing it right now.

I turn my attention back to the lobby and scan the room, taking in the elegant decor and luxurious surroundings. This resort is one of the most exclusive in all of Hawaii, and I spared no expense in booking the presidential suite for my stay. The suite is the epitome of luxury, with a spacious living area, a king-sized bed, and a private balcony that overlooks the ocean.

It’s a power move against myself, the more I think about it, because I’m making it so there is no other choice but to relax some of the time. That said, I’m looking forward to enjoying the personal infinity pool and hot tub once the rush of the welcome gala is over.

Slipping into the role of CEO is effortless, and while the now-thrumming need and awareness I have for Kasey is far from gone, I can at least put it at the back of my mind and focus on what I’m doing right now.

I'm standing at the edge of the room, pretending to listen to one of my board members talk about a fishing excursion. My attention is drawn to the view of the ocean outside when I hear a loud crash. The noise silences everything else in the room, and not a single soul is speaking as we all pivot to see the source of the sound.

My thoughts stumble to a halt when I see that it’s Kasey, at once pale from something that has shocked her, and ruby-red high on her cheekbones and over her chest as she flushes from embarrassment. At her feet are the shards of the piece of art she’s knocked over in her effort to retreat, but all I can see is Devin.

He looks pissed and in one of those moods he’s had since he was a teen that he has a hard time shaking off. Devin’s anger can soar to incredible heights, but unlike me, he has no control over it. I am calm and collected in the heat of my rages, and it rarely spills over no matter how hot it burns.

With Devin, though, there is no restraint. He breaks things, screams at people, and has a hard time taking any sort of accountability. I hoped it was a trait that would dim once he was finished with puberty, but here we are, and it’s worse than ever.

And, for the first time since I was his age, I feel like the leash on my own temper is much thinner than usual.

Devin’s face is beet red, and he’s got his finger pointing in Kasey’s face even as she turns away from him. He’s hissing something at her, and as she ignores him, he pays no mind to the crowd watching him and begins to yell at her. Before I can stop myself, I’m moving toward them, and the crowd around me parts like the sea.

"I can't deal with you anymore!” Devin complains. “You're always so needy and insecure, but at the same time, you have no interest in MY needs! It's exhausting.”

Kasey is choking back a sob as she replies, “I'm not needy or insecure! I just want you to pay attention to me sometimes.”

When Devin starts to speak again, she doesn’t let him, speaking louder herself. “And I don’t mean attention as in SEX! It’s all you ever want to talk about!”

Devin’s laugh is sharp and mean. “Ha! You’ve led me on for months now, Kasey. I’ve paid for everything during our relationship, taken it slowly with you, and all you think you owe me is a make-out session every once in a while? HA!”

His sarcastic smirk turns into a sneer as he leans close to her to say the last thing, and if I hadn’t been nearly on top of the both of them, I wouldn’t have been able to hear what he’s saying, “You know what, Kasey? Put out or get out!”

I approach the couple, my anger barely concealed. "What's going on here?" I demand. "Is everything all right?"

Devin scowls at me, but I ignore him. My attention is focused solely on Kasey. She looks up at me, her eyes wide and frightened, and fury curls hot in my gut.

"It's nothing, Dad," Devin says, his voice tight with anger. "Just a little lovers' spat."

“Just a spat, huh?” I grab my son by his upper arm, forcing him away from Kasey effortlessly. “Is that why I just heard you tell her that if she doesn’t sleep with you that she has to leave?”

“We’ve been dating for weeks,” he points out as if that matters to me at all. “I get that I’m her first boyfriend, but I’m a man and I have needs.”

I can’t help the bark of laughter that bursts out of me. “A man?! Hardly. Not when you’re speaking about a woman the way you are.”