Shaken, I stand, grabbing his arm and leaning into him heavily. “Who was that?”

“A patrol officer of mine. He used to be Brody’s friend back in the day.” Dean frowns, thinking. “I wonder if that is who my son has been hanging out with the last few days.”

So many negative emotions are coursing through me, and my thoughts are running out of control. “Oh no. What if he tells Brody we were making out here and Brody–”

Dean presses a finger to my lips again. “Delia, shh. Listen to me. Forget about him. We're going to go back home, pick up some dinner, and finish that movie. Maybe enjoy some of that sangria, and then...see where things go. Don’t give that asshole a single thought.”

"What do you mean?" I insist. “He works for you, how can you just pretend this isn’t an issue?”

“Because it’s not,” Dean says with an air of finality. “I’m the chief. They answer to me. Which means he’ll keep his mouth shut if he knows what’s good for him.”

I inhale slowly, letting the breath out in small increments until my heart rate finally evens out. “Okay…okay. I trust you.”

He gifts me with another rare smile, the wind tousling his salt-and-pepper hair. When he kisses me, his beard is pleasantly scratchy. “Good girl. We’re going to have fun tonight, aren’t we?”

“W-what do you mean?” My head is still spinning from the adrenaline rush, but the cool fall air is starting to bring me back to earth.

His touch when he strokes his hand down my face is heated. "I think you know, princess."

"No, I don't."

"You do. You just don't know how to say it yet."

I press my lips together, looking down. Dean tilts my head so I'm looking at him. "But that's okay. Because we've got time. Soon enough, you'll have no problem telling me exactly what you want from me. But let's start simple—tell me to kiss you."


"Do you want me to kiss you?"

I bite my lip and nod, letting him lean in. His mouth finds mine, and it's not a slow, sweet kiss. It's a demanding one. Dean kisses me like a man starved, and I can feel his hunger, his desire. It's a kiss that demands reciprocation, and I give it, matching him. I lean in and bite his bottom lip, and he groans, kissing me deeper.

I break the kiss first, and Dean doesn't push. He waits and the look on his face is patient but intense.

"You remember what I told you..." I look away, heart pounding as I pull at the sleeves of my too-big coat. "About being a virgin..."

"Yeah." He chuckles, and there's an edge of darkness to it that leaves me shivering. "Trust me, that's not something I'm about to forget—you being untouched and all mine."

"You're a're a lot to take on a first date. And the whole thing with Brody and you being his dad..."

"Hey." He grips my chin and makes me meet his eyes. "We've already been over this. The only thing I want from Brody is his absence. I don't want his involvement in my life or yours if you want the truth. He doesn't deserve anything from either of us."


"Delia." His voice is strained. "For fuck’s sake, don't mention him again. Please." He rakes a hand through his hair. "You want to finish the hike? We can talk more in the car."

I swallow. "Okay."

He stands, offering his hand, and I take it, letting him pull me up. "Let's go."

Dean walks us back through the pumpkins and then out the back way. He doesn't speak until we're back in the cruiser and we're on the main road.

"Delia." He sighs, turning to me. "I don't know how many ways I can say this, but I want you. I want you the way a man wants his woman. And I'm going to have you…if you let me."

"I..." I fiddle with the hem of my jacket. “Dean, I…”

"It’s okay,” he assures me. “Don't answer that right now. Think about it."

My heart is in my throat at the thought of him touching me again, stripping me bare…all I can do is nod.