Without Tanner, I have to stay the CEO for the foreseeable future. I look down at sweet, sleeping Brooke, and then over at my wife, and smile. I have loved ones to inherit the company, with or without Tanner. They just don’t know it yet.

With a contented sigh, I close my eyes, and doze off into a nap, linking my fingers with Blair’s when I feel her reach over and take my hand.

I dream of Blair, the wedding, the night Brooke was conceived, and I can only think one thing.

This is the way life should always be.



Ten Years Later

Iinhale slowly, blowing out my breath and closing my eyes as I try to center myself.

Oh. My. God. Is this really happening?

Am I really about to be named the new head of Beckett Industries?

Heavy red curtains hide me, where I stand behind the podium, waiting to announce this news to the employees and shareholders. I know, right in the very front of the charity dinner that has brought everyone together will be Brian, there to support me like he always has. The thought of seeing him is the only thing that calms me down. I know he will never let anything happen to me.

This morning, when we took eleven-year-old Brooke to school and our toddler twins, Brittany and Bryce, to the Montessori Academy we have them enrolled in, Brian held my hand the entire time, soothing me when I started to freak out about what I was now about to do. I wish I was home with the babies, waiting for Brian to get back, but on the other hand...

This is right. This is what we both want—me to further my career and for Brian to be able to step down and spend more time with the kids. This is what we've worked for, what I've gotten my master's degree for. Everything has led up to this moment.

I spare a thought for Tanner, who’s living in Colorado now with his new wife. For most of his life, he thought he’d take over Beckett Industries when Brian stepped down, but the falling out between father and son prevented that.

Tanner eventually left New York to start over somewhere new, and after a few years, he came back to apologize to both of us. We met his then-girlfriend, now wife, and finally, Brian's family was completely whole again. After that, Tanner forfeited any rights to take over the company, preferring to work as a ski instructor out west. It works out best for everyone.

The sound of Brian's voice breaks me out of my thoughts, and I hear him introduce me to the crowd, saying, "Everyone, please welcome my beautiful wife, Blair. She will be giving the commencement speech."

The audience applauds and the curtains pull back, revealing the hundreds of people waiting for me to speak. My nerves are almost overwhelming, and if not for the love shining in Brian's eyes, I don't think I can manage it. I step up to the podium and clear my throat, waiting until the crowd grows silent and all eyes are on me.

"Thank you," I begin, my voice quivering just a little. "It's an honor to be here to represent my husband and the rest of the board members. Over the past ten years, Beckett Industries has become one of the most successful ventures in the country, and we couldn't have done it without all of you."

More applause. This is good. This is going well. I look over at Brian, who nods, encouraging me to continue.

"Today, I would like to announce that Beckett Industries has chosen a new CEO. He or she will be able to take the company in a new direction and bring a fresh perspective. And that person is me."

I pause, allowing the crowd a moment to absorb the news.

"With the board's permission, I plan to expand the company into areas we've never explored before. There are several charities in need of funding, and we’re more than happy to support them. As for the future, well, it's going to be bright."

The crowd erupts into cheers and applause, and a few board members nod approvingly. Brian rises from his seat and crosses the room to the podium, standing beside me as the audience continues to celebrate.

"What do you say we get out of here and go upstairs?" he whispers in my ear, sending a thrill through my body.

"Sounds perfect."

Brian takes my hand, and together, we exit the ballroom.

It's so silly, but booking the hotel room at the same hotel where the charity dinner is being held allows us to race upstairs to be alone without the long trip home. It feels risque. Knowing all of our employees and shareholders are still downstairs makes me feel...sexy. Naughty.

It isn't until Brian has me down to the matching red lingerie I wore for a surprise that I pause, feeling a little self-conscious when I see myself in the mirror. Two pregnancies and age have changed my body, but somehow, Brian looks just as fit and muscle-packed. He catches me looking and reads the hesitation on my face.

"Blair, what's wrong?"

"I just..." I trail off, shaking my head. "I'm not nineteen anymore."