I push the thought away. That's crazy. I've only known the man for a few days, and it's way too soon to be thinking about moving in together. Besides, what if he doesn't want to? What if he wants me to stay in my own place? What if–

"Blair? Baby, are you here?"

I shake my head, push the thoughts away, and step out of the bedroom. "Yeah, I'm here."

Brian's eyes light up when he sees me, and he strides over, wrapping his arms around me. "How was the spa?"

"It was amazing. Thank you."

He lifts my face with two fingers under my chin, kissing me soundly. "Of course. Anything for my girl."

My girl. His words fill me with warmth. I like how that sounds on his lips.

"Come on," he says. "Let's eat. I'm starving."



Ispend most of the week with Brian, being pampered and adored. We go out to eat at fancy restaurants, and we visit the local museums and galleries. On Thursday, we even go for a helicopter ride. It's magical, and I'm falling for him faster than I ever thought possible.

By Friday, though, I can't help but feel restless.

I've enjoyed the week off, but I'm used to working, and I want to do something productive. So I grab Brian before he leaves and ask if he would mind if I worked remotely for a little while.

"Of course not, baby. If you want to work, you can work."

"Thank you," I tell him and kiss him. "I'll be done by tonight, I promise."

"Good." He smiles and smacks my ass, sending me off to work.

The hours fly by working in Brian's home office, and before I know it, the day is over. But it isn’t just the work day that’s over… if our original timeline is still standing, the day after tomorrow will be time to pack up and go home. As I gather my things from the office, a pang of sadness hits me. This week has been incredible, and I'm not ready to go back to reality.

I move to shut down the computer, but then, a new email pops up. I have a bad feeling about what it might entail. We've both ignored the existence of the stalker for the most part, Brian working behind the scenes to try and find the person's identity. I never showed him the second email, too worried that he’d put me under lock and key out of concern for my safety. I also thought that maybe once the stalker realized I wasn't scared, they'd give up.

Now, though, the little red icon indicating a new message blinks, and I know I'm screwed.

This message is the worst yet, ending with a demand to meet in person.

Hey Blair,

It's me again. I've enjoyed our little correspondence, and I have to admit, it's been pretty funny watching you try to ignore me. But I'm tired of playing games now, and it's time for you to meet me face-to-face. Don't worry, it won't be dangerous. I just want to talk.

Meet me tonight at 5 pm at the address below.

I swallow hard and click on the attachment, bringing up a Google Maps page. It's a small coffee house not far from here. If I’m quick, I can be back before Brian gets home, and he won’t even know I was gone. Obviously, I can’t ask Greta to take me, but I have enough money in my account to take a cab.

It's a bad move. A ridiculously stupid one, honestly, but if I tell Brian about it, he won't trust me anymore...and if the stalker doesn't actually show up, Brian will keep me isolated until he's found.

All of our dates, all of the wonderful time we've spent together...I don't want to ruin it. If I meet up with the stalker, maybe there's a way I can pay him off. I'm not making all that much at Beckett Industries, but maybe I can take out a loan or something.

Whatever the cost, I have to try.

I look at the clock and curse under my breath. I only have an hour, and I have to get changed and get to the coffee shop before the stalker arrives.

Hastily, I grab my bag and head to the closet where my suitcase resides, rifling through my clothes for something. In the end, I settle for a pair of skinny jeans and a T-shirt, throwing a hoodie on top for good measure. It's the best I can do on short notice.

My stomach churns with anxiety as I grab my things and rush out the door. This could be the biggest mistake of my life. But if it is, I have no choice. As I head out to meet my fate, all I can think is that I hope this will all be over soon.