Devin is still my son, but he will have to tread carefully around me if there is any hope of reconciling. I feel disappointed in the young man that I once considered my protege, the obvious choice to take over the company. Devin isn’t just my own flesh and blood, he’s someone I trusted, someone I believed in. But when I saw him treating Kasey with such disregard, I couldn’t help but feel disgusted. Maybe in time, we can get back to the way things were as long as he can swallow the bitter pill that Kasey is mine and mine alone.

Not yet, though. I once saw him as a potential leader in my company, but now I see that his arrogance has gotten the best of him. He thinks he's entitled to anything he wants, including the women who work for him, if the way he was pawing all over this secretary at the gala is any indication. His issues don’t start and end with his ex. They’re deep inside of him, and he’s going to have to be willing to fix them himself.

I spend the rest of the work event lost in melancholy about the issue of my son. Part of me is angry that my seduction of Kasey has to be interrupted by thoughts of Devin, but she’s worth whatever trouble my son brings with him. Still…if I can find a way to have her, while also setting Devin on the path to being the man I know he can be—a better version of himself—then I will do whatever it takes to have both. But if I have to let Devin struggle, I will, even if it hurts us both.

The day is almost over, and I’m almost free, when things go off the rails. I overhear Devin talking to another coworker about Kasey, and the sound of her name in his mouth makes me see red immediately. He tells the man he’s talking to that he didn't get what he wanted from Kasey, but he's done with her anyway. Then, he adds that he didn't expect Kasey to try to get back at him by getting romantic with his father for revenge.

I clench my jaw, stalking Devin without hesitation. If he was anyone else besides my son, I’d destroy him for daring to say such a thing. Only the love I have for him keeps me from knocking him to the ground.

Before he can say more, I interrupt Devin, "That's not true, and you know it." My tone is low and menacing, and I'm aware that I'm attracting the attention of other people around us. Devin looks up at me with an annoyed frown and my irritation surges. No one talks about Kasey and me like this. No one, including my son.

"What are you talking about?" he asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Don’t play stupid with me, Devin. I'm talking about Kasey," I say, my voice rising. "She's not using me for revenge, and if I hear you say that again, you’ll regret it. I promise you.”

Devin scoffs. "Sure, old man. Keep telling yourself that."

I take a step forward, my fists clenched at my sides. I want to punch Devin, to wipe that smirk off his face, but I know I can't. I'm not just the CEO and owner of the company, I’m also his father, and my reputation will burn to the ground if I can’t keep my cool in public. I force myself to take a deep breath and step back.

"Just stay away from Kasey," I say through gritted teeth. "We’ll talk when we’re back home.”

Devin, the poor fool, takes my attempting to keep the peace as an opportunity to get one more snide remark in. “Maybe we can commiserate about how Kasey wouldn’t put out for either of us.”

I snap, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and dragging him to me. I speak quietly, but my voice is acidic. “Listen to me right now, boy. If you know what’s good for you, you won’t ever speak her name again. Like it or not, she wants me, and I aim to have her, so you’re going to have to set your fragile little ego aside if you want to ever have a future at this company, or ever inherit a dime from me. She’s mine, and it’s none of your goddamn business. Do you understand?”

Devin's smirk fades, and he looks afraid, almost terrified. He nods curtly, and I drop him to his feet. He opens his mouth like he wants to say something, fear in his eyes, but thinks better of it and hurries away, fixing his collar as he does. I'm left standing there with the entire room looking at me, seething and burning with rage.

To hell with all of them. Devin is my son, and if I have to put him in his place, I will.

Once I’m able to escape the networking event, I head for the beach, desperate to get some air and some space from the crush of people that seem to always be around me. The shore is quiet, and the sound of the waves shushes across the sand. The stars are out in full force, and the moon is high in the sky. It's a beautiful night, but I can't appreciate it fully with all the chaos in my head.

Devin. Kasey.

They both spin through my mind like a hurricane. I told her I wanted to see her tonight, but now I have no idea what will happen if I do. All of my self-control is long spent on controlling myself around my son, and with how much I desire Kasey, there’s no doubt in my mind that I would be all over her.

I’d much rather be cooling my frustration by filling her up with my cock over and over again, but I have to keep reminding myself that she’s a virgin. If I’m going to take her innocence, I want to do it in a careful, planned way. I want it to be perfect for her.

So, that’s why I’m pacing across the sand restlessly instead of appearing at the door to her suite and kissing her senseless as an appetizer for what I really want to do to her. Fuck her. Claim her. Make her mine in every way.

I drag my hand down my face, inhaling slowly to try and cool my blood. It’s ridiculous what this woman does to me, how she frays my nerves to nothing, tempting me with nothing but her mere existence.

As I continue to walk, I hear a familiar voice calling out my name from far behind me. "Kenneth, wait up!"

It's Kasey, I’d know her voice anywhere. I turn around, and there she is, jogging towards me. My heart slams in my ribcage as I take in her beauty. Her hair is pulled back in a ponytail, and she's wearing a matching dusky rose yoga set that outlines the dips and curves of her body perfectly.

Fuck me. This little temptress is going to be the death of me.

"Hey," she says, a little out of breath as she reaches me, a smile on her face. "I've been looking for you."

I clear my throat and manage to say, "What are you doing out here so late?"

"I couldn't sleep," she replies. "I needed some fresh air. Plus, I thought you wanted to see me tonight…” Kasey trails off, and I immediately regret not at least letting her know that I needed some time to calm down.

"I needed to clear my head," I say, not wanting to go into the details of my argument with Devin. “I didn’t want to come to you in the state of mind I was in earlier. It’s been…let’s just say, a rough day.”

“Oh. Well…should I leave?”

I can’t answer her, not with how badly I want to pull her to me and crush my lips against hers. I refuse to tell her about the way Devin forced me to manhandle him, but she deserves some sort of explanation. We stand there in silence for a moment, and I can feel the tension between us.