The bacon is crisp. It's perfect with the eggs. If I wasn't horny for Brian, I could very well become aroused by this damn food.

Twenty minutes later, Brian's driver comes up.

"It was nice to meet you," I tell Mila as the driver comes into the room.

"Yes, yes," she responds. She still seems less than thrilled with her orders to babysit me. But Brian still must suspect something since he thinks my emails are a threat, so I guess he must have given his housekeeper instructions to take care of me.

Oh well. I might be annoyed, having to watch out for someone on short notice, but I’m determined to make her friendly with me if I’m going to be here for a week.

This thought gives me pause. When did I decide that it's totally okay to stay here in this luxurious penthouse with Brian Beckett for a week? Just last night, I was hesitating a bit, and now, I have no problem with it.

Somehow, he no longer wants me to deal with everything by myself as I usually have. It's not what I'm used to, but I can’t deny how it’s both liberating and comforting. My own mother is hardly around enough to come to my place, much less make me breakfast.

It doesn’t matter that he didn’t cook it himself. He still thought to have the food ready for me. That counts for something.

I head down the elevator with the silent driver, an older woman with steel gray hair. Sometime later, when the driver pulls up in front of my apartment, she says, "My name’s Greta, and I'll be picking you up in one hour for the spa. If you're a minute late, I will inform Mr. Beckett immediately. I hope you understand. He’s concerned for your safety."

There it is again, Brian using his staff to keep tabs on me. Maybe I should be alarmed or offended. I mean, I’m an adult after all. But I’ve also never had this much attention showered on me. And it’s just his way of making sure no one can harm me. "Very well, Greta. Thank you."

I decide not to waste time. I'm just as eager to get to the spa as I'm sure Greta is to drop me off. So I throw some clothes, underwear, pajamas, anything I might need for the next week into a suitcase. With the extra time I have, I pack some work outfits just in case and, at the last minute, add some makeup in too. I grab my purse, jewelry, and keys and lock the door behind me, rushing out to the elevator.

Taking a second to look back at my apartment building, I briefly worry that I’m being too rash and making a mistake. But then the memory of the man in all-black raising his hand towards me and the threatening email floats through my mind, and I know that I’m making the right call.

Plus…spending time with Brian has been incredible. I don’t want to give it up, at least not yet. This might be a week to remember.

The path my life is taking starts to change, and as the doors of the apartment building shut, I wonder how until now, I’ve never imagined falling in love. Can Brian really change that? I mean, maybe he already has.

When I walk out of my apartment, Brian's driver is parked at the curb. I slide into the car, and Greta starts driving. We sit in silence for a while before she finally speaks up.

"So. How does this make you feel?" she asks.

"What do you mean?" I furrow my brow, confused.

"He's twice your age," she tells me. "Don't you find it odd that he's suddenly so invested in your life?"

I shake my head. "No, I don't. He's worried about me, and he wants me safe."

Her words make my blood boil. How dare she say that about Brian? It's not like that. He genuinely cares about me, and I care about him too. Luckily, the driver doesn’t make any other comments. I guess it’s possible his staff might just be loyal to him and worry that I might be taking advantage.

Little do they know that Brian wanted me from the beginning, just like I did him. Everything going on between us is mutual. I’ll just have to convince them all that our feelings for each other are the real thing.

All the thoughts about anything else dissipate when I focus on the spa day I’m about to experience. I'm giddy with excitement.

We arrive at the spa within minutes, and I step out of the car into a tranquil setting. Everything is exactly what I imagine it to be. Rose petals are scattered here and there, with floral bushes strategically placed throughout the gardens. The waterfall fountain and the bubbling stream complete the peaceful look of this particular resort. Once I’m inside, spa attendants lead me into the main building and introduce themselves to me.

"You can call me Sandra," one of the younger women, maybe about my age or slightly younger, says.

"Hello, Sandra. I'm Blair. I’m so excited to be here."

“Wonderful! This is going to be the best day ever. Trust me. I'm gonna take care of you."

I follow her, and she shows me to the locker room. "First we'll have you change into one of our robes, and then we can get started."

"Sounds perfect."

She helps me change and leads me back to the treatment rooms.

"This is the facial room." She gestures toward a large room with several reclining chairs. There are a variety of facial treatments set up on tables next to each chair. "And over here is the body treatment room."