James and Eli had sold their grandmother’s house when James moved out, and driving by, seeing the new family living there, always made James smile.
He and Eli were both the happiest they’d ever been in Moonlight Falls. Gray Electrical was doing well, though James missed Hazel now that she was on an extended honeymoon in Europe with Eleanor. Eli was busy as ever with his research on the veins and traveling the country giving guest lectures on his findings. People came from all over to see his displays in the Storm House Museum and the veins themselves.
Then there was Sebastian. He might have been the most settled in and content of them all. He volunteered at the library every weekend and had won in a landslide for the city council position last year. James could see him being mayor one day and had a feeling Sebastian could picture it too.
James wiggled his toes on the heated tiles of his and Sebastian’s bathroom. He loved this house more than he ever thought possible for a building, but of course, Sebastian had molded it into what it was, so James shouldn’t have been surprised he adored it.
Exiting the bathroom, James expected to find Sebastian lazing in bed, maybe even asleep, explaining why he hadn’t joined James in the shower. He was nowhere to be seen.
Something was up, but James had no idea what. There had been a few times recently when Sebastian had seemed distracted. He’d insisted it was nothing for James to worry about. James trusted him, and he wasn’t worried, but he was suspicious.
Sebastian was planning something.
He’d thrown James a surprise thirtieth birthday party, and James had been completely shocked, though looking back, he was able to pick out the signs Sebastian had been scheming. This could be something similar, but with James’s birthday passed, he wasn’t sure what it could be about.
James dressed and wandered into the kitchen. It was Saturday morning, and he had no plans for the day.
Sebastian wasn’t in the kitchen either. James frowned.
He turned back the way he’d come and checked the music nook by the piano. No Sebastian there or in the living room. He wasn’t in the study, the game room, or the guest bedroom. He had to be outside, so James returned to the kitchen to wait for him to come back with the day’s eggs.
James started making coffee, only to be thwarted when the pot wasn’t in the percolator, the sink, or anywhere to be seen. What the hell? He looked outside, but Sebastian wasn’t in the picnic area. He had to have taken the coffee pot, but if he’d put together breakfast outside, he should have been at their large outdoor table. It was a warm enough day for it.
James slipped on his shoes and went outside. He’d find his boyfriend somewhere. He wandered through the fruit trees into the back garden, which was full of flowers, lined with well-tended hedges, and looking absolutely beautiful this spring.
It was their private place, a little haven you could sit in and forget the rest of the world existed. Sebastian loved to get away from everything. He liked his quiet as long as he knew he could get up and go into town at any moment.
There Sebastian was, sitting on a picnic blanket by the daffodils. It was his favorite spot back here. James’s, too, if he were honest. They’d had more than a few intimate moments among the flowers.
“Found you,” James called as he approached.
“I was beginning to wonder.” Sebastian looked up, the soft morning light catching the gold highlights in his ginger hair. “You took your time.”
“Sorry.” James smiled as he sat on the blanket. “I didn’t know we had breakfast plans.”
Sebastian blushed. He had the coffee pot on a wooden tray with two mugs next to a picnic basket. He seemed almost nervous. “I just thought it would be nice.”
“It is,” James insisted. “You’re always so sweet, treating me to moments like this.” James had plans to create the sweetest moment for Sebastian too—big plans—but he had to wait another two weeks for them to fall into place.
Sebastian shot James a look from under his lashes. “I wanted to ask you something.”
Sebastian shifted to his knees and reached into the picnic basket.
James’s heart jumped into his throat as excited nerves swirled in his chest. He’d just figured out what this was.
“James.” Sebastian pulled something small from the basket, holding it hidden in his fist. “These past two years have been better than anything I’ve ever dreamed of. I love sharing my life with you, growing with you, and figuring out all my messy shit with you. You’ve always been there for me, and I feel so understood by you. I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you.”
Tears slid down James’s cheeks. “I want to spend the rest of my life with you too, Sebastian.”
He opened his hand to reveal a small black box, hazel eyes shining as they bore into James. “So you’ll marry me then?”
“Yes, sweetheart. Yes, I’ll marry you.”
Sebastian flung himself on James, who caught him and buried his face in Sebastian’s curls.
“You’re trembling, sweetheart.”