“What time is it?” James mumbled.

“The middle of the night, babe. Go back to sleep.”

James cracked an eye open. “You good?”

“A little sore, but I’m fine.”

James wrapped his arms around Sebastian and buried his face in Sebastian’s neck. “Want me to take your mind off it?”

Sebastian ran a hand down James’s bare back. “How were you thinking?”

“I was having the most vivid dream,” he murmured, kissing Sebastian’s throat.

“Oh, were you?” Sebastian arched his neck, smiling wide. “Tell me more.”

“You were balls deep inside me, fucking me on the beach.” James pressed against Sebastian, and sure enough, he was hard.

Sebastian groaned. “I love your imagination.”

“I love waking up naked with you, knowing we can make it all a reality. Well, maybe not the beach part. There was a distinct lack of inconveniently placed sand in the dream.”

Sebastian snorted.

James lifted his head, finding Sebastian’s gaze. “How about I blow you? That should make you feel good.”

Sebastian rested his bandaged hand against James’s cheek. “Fucking you would feel good too.”

Heat darkened James’s eyes. “I want you inside me so badly right now, but maybe we should wait.”

“For what, marriage?”

James choked on a laugh. “No, for you to heal.”

“It’s my finger, not my dick. I think I can manage to fuck you without hurting it.”

“I know, I just feel a bit rude asking you to do all the work. You only just got out of the hospital. I’ve been out for days.”

Sebastian gave him an evil grin. “Oh, I’m happy for you to do all the work, babe.”

James’s eyes flashed. “Ah. I was stuck on the position from my dream, on all fours. I hadn’t even thought of riding you.”

Longing coursed through Sebastian. “Well, we’re both thinking it now.”

James groaned, reaching between Sebastian’s legs and clasping his half-hard cock. “I want you so much. Having you inside me will be like screwing everything we had to do to get here.”

“I love that,” Sebastian gasped as James stroked him to full hardness.

“I love you.” James captured Sebastian’s mouth in a deep, languid kiss. He rolled Sebastian on his back and straddled him, continuing his drawn-out kisses.

Sebastian melted. He loved that James had been dreaming about him and had shared it rather than not saying anything. He couldn’t wait to get James on all fours and make him scream in pleasure. Not at the beach, he had to agree, but maybe in the garden of his imaginary new house, the sun on their backs in a perfect reverse-recreation of one memorable afternoon they’d had at Storm House, trapped and waiting for the fuel cell to arrive with nothing to do but get each other off.

James had fucked Sebastian in his garden and made Sebastian see stars. Those days waiting in limbo before they escaped the property had been strangely wonderful, and Sebastian planned to take all the good from that time and bring it forward, leaving the rest behind.

Dreaming of the future felt like a gift, and Sebastian couldn’t wait to make every idea bursting in his mind a reality, but tonight, he preferred slow and sensual to the wild images filling his head. Like the one of James on his knees in the grass next to blooming flowers, moaning as Sebastian pounded into him.

One day…

As James got up to find the lube, Sebastian propped himself against the headboard. He pulled James into his lap and held him close, just feeling him, breathing him in, and getting lost in all the little things.