Sebastian wiped them away, leaning in to brush a soft kiss against James’s lips. “It’d be better than waiting for the explosion. This way, not everyone has to die.”
James choked on a sob. “You really think this is what we have to do?”
Sebastian nodded, unable to speak. Neither of them seemed to be able to spell it out. It was deeply unfair, but Sebastian couldn’t deny that joining the veins in place of the missing piece felt like the only solution. That shade’s words hadn’t been random, and Sebastian had always suspected the beasts knew more about the inner workings of the veins than humans did.
“Okay.” James gripped Sebastian’s hand, his expression hardening. “I’m coming with you.”
“What?” Sebastian jerked back. “You can’t, James. I can’t make you watch as I…”
“Who said I’d watch. I’m coming with you.” James took hold of either side of Sebastian’s face in a tender but firm grip. “I’m not leaving you. We’re in this together no matter what that means, sweetheart. I’ll go with you wherever you need me. There isn’t anything I won’t face for you.”
Sebastian’s throat clogged and he blinked away tears at the pure love in James’s expression. “Even death?”
“Even that.” James sounded calm in a way Sebastian found hard to believe. Was James really offering to walk into the veins with him, to go into the earth? Sebastian couldn’t accept that.
James pulled Sebastian against his chest, crushing them together. “I’ve been afraid of death my whole life, but I’m not anymore. Not when it means standing by you and supporting you. Not when it means doing everything I can for you.”
“James, that doesn’t make sense,” Sebastian sobbed as the duplex gave a violent shake and something crashed off the counter in the bathroom.
“It doesn’t have to make sense.” James kissed the top of Sebastian’s head. “You just have to know I love you, and I’m here for you. Come on, let’s go save the town.”
Sebastian let James drive him out to Storm House. The ground shook beneath them the whole way, the tremors sending painful jolts along Sebastian’s already frayed nerves. He had to talk James out of coming with him. This last-ditch effort to save Moonlight Falls was something only Sebastian could do because of the curse passed down in his blood. It wasn’t for James or anyone else who had been trapped to bear.
As they pulled up to the Storm House gate, the tremors worsened. The whole truck shook and James braced himself in his seat.
“Are you sure about this, James?” Sebastian asked.
James looked at him with sad determination. “Yes, I’m coming with you.”
“But why? If this works and stops the explosion, you don’t have to die.”
James bit his lip, his resolve faltering. “Do you really think you have to die?”
Sebastian gave a helpless shrug. “How else will I return to the veins and fill in for the missing piece? I don’t think I can survive that.” Sebastian imagined stepping into the strange hole at the vein intersection. He’d either become part of the veins or fall through the portal to Beyond. Survival didn’t seem likely in either case. Beyond wasn’t for the living, after all.
“No, I don’t think you’ll survive going into the veins,” James agreed, like speaking the words hurt him.
Sebastian covered James’s hand with his. “Then stay here.”
James pulled away and unbuckled his seatbelt. “What if that humanoid shade is there and tries to stop you? You might need me.”
Sebastian hadn’t thought of that. He didn’t know what to do. This already hurt too much. He was going to lose everything and James sharing his fate was worse than anything. “I appreciate what you’re doing for me, but I promise I won’t think you’ve abandoned me if you stay outside the gates. I know you choose me, James. I’m yours, and nothing will change that.”
James got out of the truck without replying and walked around to Sebastian’s door. He opened it and held out a hand, expression anguished but resolute.
Sebastian slipped his hand into James’s. “You know I don’t want this, right?”
James squeezed his fingers. “I know, sweetheart. I don’t want it either, but you wouldn’t be you if you waited for the explosion and didn’t try to save everyone any way you could. You’re good, Sebastian. You’re selfless and caring even when the world hasn’t been kind to you.” James pulled Sebastian from the truck and closed the door. “You’re amazing.”
“I don’t know,” Sebastian mumbled.
“I do.” James smiled softly. “You deserve the best in life, Sebastian. I just wish I’d had time to give it to you.”
“You did.” Sebastian clung to James, hoping he could tell how deeply Sebastian meant it.