Heat settled low in James’s belly as he remembered that particular idle day in the sun at Storm House. “I like where your head is at. As long as we’re switching positions. I haven’t been able to get that dream out of my head.”
Sebastian patted James’s cheek. “Don’t worry about that, babe.” He glanced out the window again. “We’re definitely far enough from the neighbors. They won’t hear you scream my name.”
“Oh my god, it’s a good thing the realtor isn’t here yet.” James willed his blush to go away.
Sebastian cackled with glee.
Once the realtor arrived, she walked them through the four-bedroom house. Sebastian bounced along, bursting with energy. He liked the layout of the house and the size and already had all kinds of ideas for renovations. He’d redo the kitchen, add a sunroom out back. He even declared a need for more outdoor storage and James caught him looking up prefabricated sheds and barns on his phone.
“I can see you’re interested,” the realtor hedged. “The owners said they were open to shifting their moving plans forward if you wanted to buy before the spring.”
“Excellent. Do you have a business card?” Sebastian asked as he inspected the largest bedroom’s en suite.
She handed one over and went outside to give them a bit of space.
“This shower really isn’t big enough,” Sebastian mused. “I’ll need to expand to fit a tub in here anyway, so I might as well redo the shower while I’m at it.”
James took in the standard, well-looked-after bathroom. “I feel like you’re recreating your Storm House bathroom.”
Sebastian shrugged. “What can I say? I’ve gotten used to the clawfoot tub, and you need to be able to fit in the shower with me.”
“All good points.” James followed Sebastian into the bedroom, down the hall, and through to the open-plan living and dining area. “Your piano would fit well in here.”
“That’s a great idea.” Sebastian walked across the dining space. “I don’t need a big table. There’s room in the kitchen for a small one and outside for a large picnic table.” His brow wrinkled.
“What is it?”
Sebastian looked down at his bandage. “I wasn’t thinking about playing piano when I cut my finger off. I’m going to have to relearn how to play. Damn, I wish I’d thought to use one of my toes.”
“I’m sorry, sweetheart.”
Sebastian looked up, his expression surprisingly light. “Don’t be. I’ll still be able to play. It’s just going to take practice.”
James smiled. “I love watching you at the piano.”
“Yeah, but you’d watch me do anything.”
James rolled his eyes. “I would, but I especially like hearing you play. You’re very talented.”
Sebastian’s cheeks tinged pink, and he was almost bashful during the rest of their time in the house.
Back in the truck, Sebastian turned to James. “Is it too impulsive to buy the first house I look at?”
“I don’t know if it’s impulsive. You’ve thought about what you want. If you’re sure living in Moonlight Falls is for you, and you like this house and land as much as you seemed to, I don’t see why you shouldn’t go for it. You’ve waited long enough.”
“I have waited long enough, haven’t I? I think I’m going to do it. I know I want to be in Moonlight Falls. There’s no question about that, and this house is pretty much perfect.”
James wondered what Sebastian would do with Storm House. He figured the question could wait for another day. It was nice focusing forward. There was no rush to do anything with the old property.
James’s phone buzzed and he checked the incoming text. “Eli wants us to meet him in town.”
“Sounds good.” Sebastian buckled his seatbelt, and James pulled onto the road. “I want to go talk to Mila anyway. I’m going to see if she needs a volunteer for the library.”
“I’m sure she does. They’ve been talking about bringing back the after-school programs, though I don’t know if they’ve been able to get anyone to run them.”
“Oh yay. I loved the kid stuff they used to do. I feel like I’d be good at dramatic readings of picture books.”
“I feel like you would be too.” James paused, grinning as he pictured it. “Is that what you want to do?”