Sebastian stroked James’s stubble-rough cheek. “Can I watch you get yourself ready for me?”
James paused. “I want to see you, not be facing away.”
“Me too. Do it like this.” Sebastian cradled James’s hips, sliding one hand around to his ass and finding his hole. “Sit on my lap and open yourself up while I kiss you.”
James smiled almost shyly. “I can do that.”
James squirted lube on his fingers and reached behind himself. Sebastian moved his fingers out of the way and let James touch himself, opting to stroke James’s cock instead. James let out a soft moan, his other hand braced around the back of Sebastian’s neck. His fingers flexed on Sebastian’s nape and his eyes fluttered closed.
Sebastian was enraptured. James touching himself was beautiful. He was so open and needy, his expressions shaping his face freely, letting Sebastian see exactly how he felt. Sebastian ached for him. The way James rocked into his hand, dick leaking on Sebastian’s stomach, felt even more intimate than when Sebastian had been the one stretching James.
“Almost there,” James panted, getting more lube. Sebastian got some on his own hand and reached back along with James. As James realized what Sebastian was up to, he whimpered. “Yes,” he pleaded, leaning his forehead against Sebastian’s.
Sebastian slipped a finger in beside James’s two, his hand covering James’s. They moaned in unison, and James leaned forward, sealing their lips in a kiss. Sebastian rested his bandaged hand on the back of James’s neck, pain forgotten, as they fingered James’s hole together.
James broke the kiss. “Now, Sebastian. Please.”
Sebastian smiled, filled with pure joy, as he slicked himself up. James had a desperate, almost hungry look as he lined himself up, holding Sebastian in place as he sank down, letting out a soft whimper.
It was Sebastian’s favorite sound. This one, in particular, was different from the noises James made when he topped Sebastian. It was something unique that only the two of them together in this specific way could create.
“I love you, James,” Sebastian crooned, his voice thick with pleasure.
“I love you,” James echoed before dropping his head back and swiveling his hips.
Sebastian gasped in pleasure. “You feel so perfect, James.”
James let out another of those little whimpers, and Sebastian got lost in the rhythm of James’s hips.
They’d had no small amount of sex up to this point, but nothing like this. In many ways, it was a miracle they were here, together, expressing their deepest feelings. It felt like the true beginning of something, with all their worst obstacles stripped away. The rest of their lives had started, and Sebastian couldn’t wait.
The next morning, Sebastian and James walked into town. The air was brisk and the sky was steadily clouding over. All Sebastian could think was it felt great to be out in the fresh air.
“I’ve always liked being outside, but I think staying in the hospital has given me a new appreciation for it,” Sebastian said as they crunched leaves under their feet, passing the school.
Everything was back to normal in Moonlight Falls. The school had reopened after its brief closure, and everyone who had evacuated seemed to have returned without delay. People here really were unfazed by unusual occurrences and more tolerant than most to a bit of horror. Sebastian didn’t doubt that anywhere else, people would have been reluctant to return after the darkness, vein-induced earthquakes, vicious shade attacks, and possessions. But not here. Moonlight Falls was home.
They walked into the town circle, hand in hand. Something immediately caught Sebastian’s eye near the stone. It looked like signs and flowers had been placed in the grass.
He turned to James. “It’s not election season, is it?”
“No.” James’s brow furrowed as they approached the grass.
Sebastian read the phrase painted on the largest sign: Thank you, Sebastian Storm, for saving Moonlight Falls. It was covered in puff-paint hearts that looked like they’d been done by someone’s child.
Sebastian stopped, dead still. “What?” He turned to James. “Did you know about this?”
James beamed, his eyes glassy. “No. I had no idea. I knew Eleanor addressed the town. Parker said the town hall meeting was so packed there were people out in the street. She told everyone that you saved Moonlight Falls from exploding by fixing the broken veins and fighting off the invading shades. I don’t know who put all this here, but it looks like lots of people are grateful for what you did.”
One sign proclaimed Sebastian a hero. He had no idea what to think of it. Another sign said Moonlight Falls commends the Storm family for keeping us safe.
“They’re pretty forgiving of the fact that the Storms started the problem with the veins,” Sebastian muttered, still in shock.
“I think it’s nice they’re acknowledging the sacrifice you all made for the town.” James wrapped an arm around Sebastian’s waist. “The whole mess with the curse is complicated, with no easy rights or wrongs. There’s no doubt your family did more than anyone should have had to for this town, even if they accidentally started it all.”
“True.” Sebastian stared at a bunch of roses laying in the grass. “I’m glad people know the truth about Stephen and the family. We do deserve a bit of acknowledgment.”
“You’re an important part of Moonlight Falls, sweetheart. You and your family helped shape this place and kept it safe.”