Sebastian didn’t stir the whole ride. The only sign he hadn’t slipped away was his soft breaths in and out.

At last, they arrived at the hospital emergency room and James leaped from the car, only to stumble. He’d intended to carry Sebastian inside but was too unsteady on his feet to stand without bracing against the car.

Eli appeared at his side. “Let me help you.”

James shook his head. “Get Sebastian.”

“Parker’s got Sebastian.” Eli hoisted one of James’s bloody and dirt-covered arms over his shoulders, propping him up.

James turned in time to see Parker carrying Sebastian through the sliding ER doors. James relaxed infinitesimally. Sebastian was going to get the care he needed. James clung to the hope it would be enough.

Inside, James was admitted and seen by nurses and a doctor. He could barely keep one moment straight from the next. He’d used too much magic, his body ached, and being unable to calm his worries was doing bad things to his blood pressure. He hated that he didn’t know what was happening with Sebastian.

He was so tired. It made his brain foggy, but he couldn’t have fallen asleep if he’d wanted to. James lay there in his hospital bed, sick with worry, wishing he could just get through this to what came next.

James had no idea how long it had been when Eli came bustling behind the curtain blocking James’s bed from the rest of the ER. “Sebastian is awake.”

Some of the tension was released from James’s body. “He’ll be okay?”

“Yes, James. He’ll recover just fine.” Eli squeezed his hand. “The doctors aren’t happy about his finger though.”

Tears of relief filled James’s eyes. “No one’s happy about that. Least of all Sebastian.”

Eli gave him a searching look. “What the hell happened?”

James sank back into his pillows, having trouble focusing on his brother. “Had to put the pieces of the veins back together.” He closed his eyes. Maybe he could sleep after all. “Tell you the rest later.”



Sebastian was in the hospital for a week while doctors treated his burned and severed finger. They ended up amputating his pinky back to the first knuckle since cauterizing the original wound the way they did had caused significant tissue damage. Sebastian was just grateful for the painkillers.

And for James, who wouldn’t leave his side.

Sebastian had been admitted to a room, and once James was released from the ER, he took up permanent residence in the chair beside Sebastian’s bed. Sebastian wished James would go home and get some proper rest, but he was also warmed by his constant presence. He loved that James was there every time he opened his eyes.

At the moment, James was fast asleep, snoring, his head tilting in a way that looked less than comfortable. Sebastian was pretty sure he was drooling.

“You look happy,” Dr. Reese said as she entered Sebastian’s room.

Sebastian tore his eyes away from James. “I’m feeling a lot better.”

“Good.” She gave him a tight smile.

Sebastian had the impression Dr. Reese was displeased with him for purposely cutting off his own finger. He’d explained that it had been part of ritual magic and vital in preventing Moonlight Falls from exploding, but he wasn’t entirely sure she believed him.

The secret-binding was completely gone, along with the curse. Eli had visited yesterday and told Sebastian how Eleanor had reported the incident in full to any state official who would listen and several who wouldn’t, despite their brush-offs.

“You’re free to go home today,” Dr. Reese continued. “You’ll need to book follow-up appointments to check on your healing progress, and we’d recommend hand therapy, but unless you have any further questions, the nurses have your discharge papers ready to go.”

“Thank you so much.” Sebastian disentangled himself from the hospital sheets. “I don’t have any questions.”

The doctor gave him a stern look. “Take care of yourself.”

Sebastian planned to.

He quickly pulled on the clean clothes Eli had left for him and shook James awake.