He was struck by how much he loved James. Not just when things were good and they were whispering sweet nothings in each other’s ears, but always. He loved this loyal, protective, and unassumingly fierce man. He loved James for his strengths and his fears and trusted James to stand by him like no one else.
Sebastian wanted to grab James and kiss him. Wanted to push him up against the truck and fuck him, show anyone who cared to look that their love wouldn’t be beaten down by anything, from this world or Beyond.
He wished they lived in a reality where they could have done that. Instead, William burst out of the woods, almost as unwelcome a sight as shades during the day.
William stopped short at the sight of Sebastian, James, Parker, and Eli standing in the parking lot. He blinked oddly, making Sebastian wonder if something was wrong with his eyes.
More people came crashing through the trees. Sebastian recognized two of the men from the break-in at the duplex standing at the front of the small crowd. A jolt of fear coursed through him.
William appeared to collect himself. He pointed at Sebastian. “Look who it is. This might be perfect.”
“I don’t think so.” Parker took a step forward, putting himself between Sebastian and the crowd.
“You’re a wanted man, William,” James warned, venom in his tone, as his arm settled securely around Sebastian.
The touch would have been more comforting if Sebastian’s chest wasn’t so tight. The whole crowd glared at him like they hated him.
The men who’d broken into his place were supposed to be under house arrest, other than William, who’d evaded capture. They’d obviously escaped, but what had happened to the officers guarding them? And where had these other people come from? Even with the mess of the Storm House secret getting out, Sebastian had wanted to believe that most people would understand once Eleanor set them straight.
William ignored James’s warning, turning to the man beside him. “Take a few people and grab the ginger.” He addressed the rest of the crowd. “The rest of you stay with me. It’s time to rid this town of useless leaders who think imprisonment is acceptable.”
The group shouted in agreement, and William marched off, followed by six others. Those that remained continued to glare. One of the men who’d broken into his house leered at Sebastian.
His head throbbed. A literal mob was coming for him. Their scrutiny and judgmental expressions were like a crushing weight, feeding his anxiety as the undisguised hatred on display brought to life some of Sebastian’s worst fears.
It had been bad enough worrying people judged him or found him annoying and unlikeable before. He’d had enough trouble being around groups that, rationally, he’d known weren’t paying attention to him. In comparison, this situation was impossible. It wasn’t fair and made Sebastian so angry he was getting lightheaded, though that could just be from his growing headache.
Parker took another step in front of Sebastian. “Anyone who comes closer is going to regret it.”
“Piss off, Hayes,” someone spat.
“Not likely, Mills. I’m the one with all the magic. Half of you don’t even have the ability. Go home. You can’t take us by physical force. James and I would beat you at that, even without extra power.”
Sebastian had a wild thought that he was grateful the mob didn’t have pitchforks or other weapons. He gripped James tight, wanting to sink away from this and disappear while also wanting to rage at these people and fight back.
Parker’s words seemed to sink in. Some of the people glanced around in hesitation.
“This isn’t going to work.”
“But he’s the real problem. Screw Eleanor. William just wants her out of the way so he can be mayor.”
Beside Sebastian, James muttered a spell. Wind whipped safely around Parker and Eli and hit the crowd. The people in the front took the brunt of the blast and toppled into those behind them.
“We’ve got more important things to do than deal with this,” James snarled. “Shades are attacking during the day. Why don’t you try to do something about that? You should all be ashamed of yourselves.”
The animosity in the air seemed to hit a peak. Sebastian worried the mob was about to attack, then someone said, “Fuck it, we were supposed to be going to town hall. If William wants Storm, he can get him himself.”
Another voice shouted agreement, and they hurried out of the park.
Sebastian watched them go but found no relief. “That isn’t any better than them going after me. We have to help Eleanor and Hazel.”
“You’re right.” James ran a hand roughly through his hair. “We need to shut this down quickly.”
Parker looked down at Eli. “You good to come along?”
The younger man nodded. Sebastian could tell James and Parker were displeased about dragging Eli into danger when he didn’t have the advantage of magic, but at least this was only human danger. For now. Sebastian doubted the shades would be absent from the center of town for long now that the stone was free.
Why couldn’t William leave them alone?