“Well, the police can’t find him, and as far as I know, no one’s admitted to seeing him since yesterday evening.”
James perched on the edge of his desk. “What about the other guys who broke into Sebastian’s place?”
“They’re giving the Apple Valley Police Department a major headache. They were arrested, but when the officers couldn’t leave Moonlight Falls with them, they assumed Jim and the other culprits were using magic to try and avoid being taken to jail. I think they’re being placed under house arrest until an official with magical expertise can come assist the police.”
“I hope they don’t send the same official who wouldn’t come into town during the darkness,” Hazel muttered.
“They probably are.” Eleanor scowled before turning to Sebastian. “You’ll need to make a statement if you’re going to press charges.”
Sebastian grimaced. “Sure, but that’s far from my top priority right now.”
Eleanor gave him an understanding look.
“We need to close North Road so we can link another fuel cell to the veins,” James explained. “Can we get city maintenance to put up cones and monitor the road so no one goes through?”
Eleanor gave a tired nod. “I’ll make a call. Kitty heard about the veins, so at least I won’t have to come up with an excuse. I’m sure she can get a team up there today.”
James stood and paced the workroom. This was good. They were making progress. He just didn’t know what they’d do if that humanoid shade was still in the woods at Storm House.
The shop door banged open and James whirled around. Samantha Storm stood in the doorway, cheeks red and hair disheveled.
“Sebastian.” She stomped across the shop and rounded the counter.
James stepped in her path.
“What did you do?” she growled, trying to sidestep James, glaring at her son.
Sebastian shrank back. The look of shock he’d worn at the first sight of his mother turned into hurt. “I didn’t do anything.”
“Yes, you did.” Samantha turned her glare on James. “Excuse me.”
James put out an arm, grabbing the counter and completely blocking Samantha’s path to the back of the shop. “No. You can stand right here and explain what you’re yelling about.”
She slammed her handbag down on the counter. “I’m trapped. That’s what I’m yelling about. So, Sebastian, what did you do?”
“Nothing,” he said more forcefully than before. “Unlike you, I don’t trap people on purpose.”
“Then why can’t I get out of Moonlight Falls?” Samantha asked desperately.
James didn’t have any pity for the woman’s plight. Out of everyone to get caught up in this mess, she was the only one to deserve it. However, he was confused as to how it’d happened. Samantha had known about the curse for decades, so her being trapped wasn’t like all the townspeople who’d learned the secret and been claimed by the morphing curse on the unstable veins.
“I shouldn’t be trapped here,” Sebastian’s mother insisted. “I didn’t break the secret-binding. Sebastian, why are you trapped here even after you escaped the house? What’s holding us in this town?”
Sebastian came up behind James, and he lowered the arm blocking Samantha. She didn’t try to push past, just stared at her son.
“The veins are holding us here. We’re trapped in the area bound by the length and width of the two intersecting branches.”
Her look turned accusing. “Did you know I would be stuck when you saw me yesterday?”
“No.” Sebastian wasn’t trying to hide his hurt. You could see it plainly on his face and hear it in his voice. “The curse is changing. We added a new energy source to the veins and the area expanded, but ever since shades have started using the veins for otherworldly magic, things have been falling apart.”
Samantha’s nostrils flared.
“Everyone who knows the secret is stuck here. Seems that includes you.” James frowned at her, the emotions he’d suppressed the last time he’d seen the woman winning out at last. “And, you know, maybe it’s karma.”
Samantha’s face went scarlet. “Excuse me?”
James’s own anger rose to the surface. “Karma paying you back for everything you’ve done. I know you and Stephen caused my parents’ car accident.” His voice caught, but he pressed on. “You killed them the night you damned your son and have tried to avoid the consequences of your actions ever since. Looks like your time is up.”