Sebastian stopped short. “What?”

Mila shook her head at him like she used to when he was young. “Come on, let’s talk in the library. I closed up early, but I don’t want to do this out here.” She waved them over to the library entrance and unlocked the door.

Sebastian and James followed her inside. Half the lights were off, making the place dim and shadowy.

“You were at the meeting?” James asked.

Mila nodded grimly before turning to Sebastian. “Why don’t you tell me the real story. I imagine I’ve only heard the smallest part.”

Sebastian collapsed into a chair at a nearby table. “Who told you?”

Mila sat across from him. “My neighbor. She said there were veins of power out at Storm House set to explode because you abandoned watching over them. I wanted to tell her it was nonsense, but…” Hurt and fear lined Mila’s face. “Was that really the reason you were out there?”

Sebastian explained everything. He felt like he was getting more efficient at telling the tale after so many repeats, not that it made it easier in this case.

“Stephen,” Mila whispered once Sebastian had explained the curse and how it passed through his family. She covered her mouth with a trembling hand, then lowered it, balled into a tight fist. “That’s why he never gave us a chance to be together. What a stubborn fool.”

“I’m sorry?” Sebastian glanced sidewise at James. It wasn’t exactly what he’d expected her to say.

“According to you, Stephen’s parents and grandparents had families and fairly full lives even with this curse. Why couldn’t Stephen have done that? Why not let me in? I’d have worked through a relationship with him even if he never left the house. Even if I didn’t know why. He didn’t have to be there alone.”

Sebastian didn’t know how to answer.

“He must not have seen it that way,” James said gently.

“Apparently.” Mila sighed. “I suppose I don’t know exactly what I would have done. Maybe I wouldn’t have wanted to work through it, not knowing what he was hiding. I’ll never get the chance to find out.” She paused, shaking her head. “I can understand Stephen not wanting to have children given the curse, and who knows, maybe he never wanted a family. I just don’t know what to think now. I went through my whole adult life not knowing half of what was happening between me and him.”

Mila stared off into space for a long moment. Sebastian let her process, wondering if learning this was harder than thinking Stephen had rejected her and pushed her away due to his reclusive tendencies.

The librarian shook herself, looking at Sebastian and James almost like she’d forgotten they were there. “I’m so glad you got out of there, Sebastian. You poor thing.”

“I just wish it had ended when I left Storm House,” Sebastian admitted.

“Of course, but your leaving didn’t really make things more likely to explode, did it?”

Sebastian explained the rest of the story and how the darkness had impacted everything. “I’m sorry you’ve gotten sucked in. I hate to think that if we can’t solve this, you won’t be able to get out of town.”

Mila waved him away like it was a minor inconvenience. “No need to be sorry. Not everything falls on you. And honestly, even if the worst happens, understanding why my past was the way it was is worth it. Something always nagged at me about Stephen, and now I know why. I can make peace and move on.”

“I’m glad you see it that way.” Something loosened in Sebastian’s chest. He still hated that this could get Mila killed after everything she’d done for him, but he was glad she could find peace in the situation.

They hugged, and Sebastian relaxed even more. It felt good not to have secrets between them. They could rebuild their relationship in a more meaningful way now than if Sebastian was stuck lying forever.

They said goodnight, and Sebastian promised to see Mila again soon and keep her updated.

James took Sebastian back to his house rather than the duplex. Eli and Parker weren’t there when they arrived, and despite the early hour, Sebastian was more than happy to retreat to James’s room.

Perched on the edge of the bed, Sebastian tried calling his mom again. He called three times in a row to see if annoying her prompted her to pick up. It didn’t. He thought about calling Kira just to rile everyone up, but he didn’t have her number. It’d been over ten years since he’d seen or spoken to his sister. He never saw her or his mom again after moving in with Stephen permanently. He’d spoken to his mom periodically, but never Kira. She could be married with kids for all he knew.

Sebastian flopped back on the bed, lying on his side watching James as he rooted around in his closet. He let his mind go blank. He needed rest, not just sleep, but to not worry or do anything. He wanted a break from everything, even thinking.

James glanced over his shoulder, studying Sebastian. “Ready for bed?”

Sebastian scrunched his nose. “No, I’m just trying to turn my brain off.”

James smiled, and it was positively evil. “I might have an idea to help with that.”

“Oh?” Sebastian sat up, intrigued.