Sebastian blinked. The stone hadn’t burst after all. It was still standing as tall as ever right in front of him. Huh, was his last thought before he lost consciousness, his head falling back onto James’s chest.
Sebastian’s world was warm and wrapped in the familiar smell of leather mixed with the faintest hint of chlorine. He was home. He knew nothing else, but that didn’t matter.
He couldn’t open his eyes and wasn’t sure he needed to. Something brushed his hair. He leaned into it, nuzzling the skin of a callused palm. The smell of home intensified and he breathed in deep.
“Sebastian, sweetheart, can you hear me?” a soft, familiar voice asked.
James. Sebastian smiled. Of course it was James. James was his world, his everything. He expected to be nowhere else.
He kissed the hand cupping his cheek, wanting to be wrapped up in James’s sweet-smelling skin forever.
He must be lying on a bed because it dipped and a hard body encircled him. “I’ve got you, sweetheart. Just please wake up,” James whispered against Sebastian’s temple.
“I’m awake,” he mumbled, shifting so he could bury his face in James’s neck.
A relieved whine escaped James’s throat.
That made Sebastian remember he was supposed to be taking care of James, not the other way around. Memories of shades, hot blue power, and the sight of James limp in the grass flooded his mind. Sebastian sucked in a panicked breath as his eyes flew open.
James held him so tight he could barely move. “You’re okay. I’ve got you. Everything is fine.”
“But you—” Sebastian gasped, unable to finish the thought.
“I’m fine.” James kissed the top of Sebastian’s head. “Rest, sweetheart.”
Sebastian’s whole body relaxed, going limp and accepting the firm hug James gave him. He breathed in the smell of the man, the smell of good things, and drifted back to sleep.
Later, Sebastian woke up much more alert. He was still in James’s arms and had no idea how long it had been since the fight with the shades or the last time he’d woken up.
At least the sun was still out.
“James,” he murmured groggily, trying to stretch but unable to move much with the way James held him.
“Sebastian.” James didn’t sound like he’d been asleep. “How do you feel?”
James released his grip enough for Sebastian to look at him. “Fine.”
James glared at him. “Fine?” A sob choked out of him. “I didn’t know if you’d ever wake up.”
Pain gripped Sebastian’s chest at the anguish on James’s face. “I’m here.” He clutched James’s shoulders. “What about you? You drained yourself so badly with all that fire. And then—” His words failed as he remembered the shade taking James away.
James ran a hand through Sebastian’s hair. “I recovered days ago. Parker too. All we did was a bit too much magic, nothing we couldn’t come back from.”
“You didn’t know that.” Sebastian squeezed him. “You could have killed yourself. And I know you were trying to protect us all, but, James, I can’t do this without you.”
James brushed his lips against Sebastian’s, tangling a hand in Sebastian’s hair. “I know, Sebastian. But I can’t do this without you either. And shit, what you did was so reckless.”
Sebastian fixed him with a serious stare. “If I hadn’t done it, you’d have been sacrificed. There was never a question of risking myself. I won’t let you leave me. Nothing can take you. I’d rather have died trying to save you than lose you.”
Tears fell down James’s cheeks. “But you’re not allowed to save me and then not wake up for four days. You aren’t allowed to leave me either, Sebastian. I wouldn’t survive it.”
Sebastian’s own tears clouded his vision. “I won’t leave you, James. I will claw my way back from the worst kind of hell to get back to you. Promise.”
James let out a pained sound. Sebastian kissed him, swallowing all his fears, and didn’t release his mouth until he could feel James smiling. “I promise, James,” Sebastian repeated. “Nothing is keeping us apart.”
“Nothing.” James agreed softly and wiped his eyes. “But let’s not do that again.”