James saying things like that was almost enough to make Sebastian come without touching his dick. He withdrew his fingers and spun around. James had his bottom lip trapped between his teeth, sweat lining his brow. He looked flushed and a bit wild-eyed. He was perfect.
“I think you liked that more than I did,” Sebastian said, even though he wasn’t sure it was true. He’d liked making a spectacle of himself for James.
“Maybe,” James responded, more coy than Sebastian thought the guy was capable of. “But you really need to fuck me now.”
“Do I?” Sebastian swept back his hair and grinned. “I thought this was about me?”
James blinked in shock. “Please?”
Sebastian leaned forward and kissed James, who accepted his mouth hungrily. Just as the kiss turned fevered and desperate, Sebastian pulled back. He soaked up the pleading moan of protest James made like it was a drug. Sebastian was just as desperate, so he wasted no time rolling the condom onto James’s straining erection and slathering it with lube.
He lined himself up and sank down.
“Oh fuck.” James bucked his hips, his cock hitting Sebastian’s prostate as he surged upward.
Sebastian gave a shout of pleasure that turned into a moan as he settled firmly onto James’s lap. He braced his hands against James’s chest and rolled his hips, losing himself in the feeling of fullness. “You feel so good inside me, James.”
Something about not being able to return Sebastian’s touch seemed to make James feral. His gaze was laser-focused on Sebastian rather than hazy with lust. His mouth dropped open in a low moan and his biceps flexed as he gripped the rails of the headboard.
Sebastian rode James hard, bouncing on his cock, hitting that perfect angle that made his eyes flutter closed with pleasure. His own dick bounced between them, slapping against James’s abs.
“Don’t stop, Sebastian.” James bucked his hips as Sebastian bore down, burying himself deep. “You’re so fucking gorgeous riding me.”
Sebastian whimpered. He felt gorgeous and spoiled rotten. He couldn’t believe he had James to do whatever he wanted with and wondered if anything could be better than this. How had he gotten so lucky that this stoic man had chosen to shower him with his emotions, to give him affection and praise?
Sebastian took his cock in his hand and stroked it. James’s attention zeroed in on the rough way Sebastian handled himself. “Do you like this, James?” Sebastian continued riding him hard and jerking himself. “Do you like watching me fuck myself on you, pleasuring myself?”
“Yes.” James’s answer was strangled. “Yes, Sebastian. Fuck.”
Their eyes locked, and Sebastian almost came, but he wasn’t ready. He abandoned his cock and released the safety latches on the handcuffs.
The instant James was free, he surged forward, sitting up but not dislodging Sebastian from his lap. James’s arms wrapped around Sebastian, one hand snaking up the back of his neck to bury itself in his hair. Their mouths crashed together as James thrust up, fucking Sebastian, who met every movement with one of his own. Sebastian clung to James’s shoulders. Nothing felt better than their bodies pressed together, except maybe the way James’s whole body shuddered as he came.
“Sebastian, Sebastian, fuck me, sweetheart,” he murmured as he thrust through his release.
Sebastian sobbed with how good it felt to be back in James’s arms. As hot as using him was, Sebastian always wanted to be touched. He needed to be held. It was a desperate desire he wasn’t sure he’d ever overcome. He loved to tease and play, but he needed delicate things too. He needed softness, to feel cared for, to be called sweetheart, and James seemed to know that. It was something Sebastian couldn’t take for himself, so James gave it to him.
Without breaking their kiss, James took hold of Sebastian’s dick, slick with precum and lube, and stroked in firm, unfaltering motions. Sebastian moaned into James’s mouth as his orgasm crashed through him, his arms tight around James’s neck.
James pulled Sebastian down onto the bed and held him. They were sweaty and smeared with Sebastian’s release, but Sebastian had never been so content or comfortable.
“I hope that gave you what you needed,” James whispered in his ear.
“It did.” Sebastian hugged James tighter. “You always take care of me, James.”
“And you take care of me,” he murmured back. “That was even better than the fantasies I had.”
Sebastian smiled against James’s neck. He had this man, had seduced him, and seemed to have won his heart. Sebastian hoped like hell he could keep James. But if that’s what he wanted, he had a lot of work to do.
Later, after they’d showered, Sebastian rummaged in his box for some clean underwear.
“You sure you don’t want a drawer?” James asked as he climbed back into bed.
“Yeah, it’s fine.” Sebastian extracted a pair of black boxer briefs and pulled them on. “I should probably get my own place in town.”
“Oh.” James’s brow furrowed. “True. That makes sense.”