This was a bad idea. What an oversight.
Her clinical gaze scans my flustered face. "If you are just having sex then why do you care where he is? Why do you keep checking your phone? Why are we even having this conversation?"
I cross my arms defensively. "Am I going to have to pay for this therapy session, Doctor Casellati? Or is the first one free?"
Julia rolls her eyes. "I am asking you important questions, Kiara. You need to decide what you want from him. And once you do, take it. It's simple."
Nothing about this is simple. It's messy, convoluted, potentially disastrous. He's like an electromagnet, capable of generating world-defying power but can also be deathly destructive if not handled properly. And I don't know if I can handle him. There's no manual to follow. No guidelines. No historical data to reference. He's uncharted territory and I don't have a map.
I'm scared of getting lost.
"I don't know what I want," I admit, my tone low, defeated.
And neither does he. We're at a stalemate once again. Except for this time, the stakes are higher. We're not playing with power. We're playing with hearts.
And mine is chained. Locked. Guarded.
Julia smiles, placing her hand on mine as she whispers, "Then first, you must figure out what you want Kiara. Everything else will fall into place."
"Or it'll all fall apart.”
Footsteps sound in the distance and I snap my head toward the entryway.
My face falls.
"Buongiorno, Signora," Marchello nods, greeting Julia as he approaches the table. His eyes are sunken, bloodshot, glazed over as he glances at me. "Kiara."
"Good morning, Marchello. How are you? How is my husband? Alive, I hope?" Julia glares at Marchello who stays silent, his inquisitive gaze scanning the jewelry on the table. "Well?"
I blink, shocked by her combative attitude and Marchello's sheepishness. What is happening right now?
"Yes, Signora, he is alive.” His lips twist up in contemplation. "I believe he went to your room."
"Oh, is your three-day long meeting over? So soon? Are you sure that was enough time to 'talk'?"
Oof. She might care just a little.
"For now, it is over." Marchello tosses Julia a tight smile. "Paolo is all yours."
"And my brother?" She crosses her arms. I jerk up in my seat. Bless you, Julia. "Where is he?"
"He is in his office.” Marchello glances toward me. "Waiting for you."
"Me?" I clear my throat. At least he hasn't forgotten that I exist.
"Yes, he told me to get you.” Marchello takes a deep breath and checks his watch. "You should go now. We leave for Milan in an hour."
"I can finish sorting the rest by myself," Julia smiles at me then whips her head back at Marchello, snapping at my pile of jewelry. "Take this to Kiara's room."
"No, it's fine," I protest. God, she's on a rampage. "I can do it."
"It is no problem, Signora," Marchello says to Julia, ignoring me completely as he scoops the pile of necklaces and rings into a silver bowl. "It is on my way."
"Excellent.” Julia tilts her head as Marchello lingers. "Was there something else you needed?"